Dataset record
- Type
- Dataset
- title in English
- Feeding ecology of Gadwell on rubble in the Rupel river, Belgium
- title in nl
- Voedselecologie van krakeend op steenbestorting in de Rupel
- Abstract in English
- This database contains data of the feeding ecology of Gadwells on rubble in the Rupel river. In addition, algal biomass on the rubble is quantified.
- Abstract in nl
- Deze dataset bevat data van de voedselecologie van de krakeend op steenbestorting in de Rupel. Bovendien werd de algenbiomassa op de steenbestorting gekwantificeerd.
- Rights
- Restricted
- Version
- 2007
Temporal coverage
- Temporal
- Start date
- 2006-01-01
- End date
- 2007-01-01
Thesaurus terms
- Keyword
- Algae
- Aquatic birds
- Feeding behaviour
- Feeding ecology
- Rubble
- theme
- Biology
- Biology > Birds
- Biology > Ecology - biodiversity
- Biology > Plants