The main objective of the HABMAP survey work was to collect data that could be used to validate modelled biotope distribution outputs arising from the project, as well as to map a range of different areas in the southern Irish Sea. A combination of accoustic and ground-truthing sample techniques were employed on two cruises undertaken during the summer of 2005.
Robinson, K.A., Darbyshire, T., Van Landeghem, K., Lindenbaum, C., McBreen, F., Creaven, S., Ramsay, K., Mackie, A.S.Y., Mitchell, N.C., Wheeler, A., Wilson, J.G. & O'Beirn, F. 2009. Habitat mapping for conservation and management of the southern Irish Sea (HABMAP). I: Seabed surveys. Studies in Marine Biodiversity and Systematics from the National Museum of Wales. BIÔMOR Reports 5(1): 234 pp.