Sediments were sampled during four different sampling events: July 2001, October 2001, February 2002 and May 2002. However, for every station, these four separate sampling events were combined to one range.
During each sampling event, samples were taken at four different depths: 0-0.5m, 5m, 10m and 15m. Similar to the sampling events, for every station, these four separate sampling depths were combined to one depth range.
The most shallow depth (0-0.5m) was sampled by quadrat, with a sample size of individuals/625 cm². The other depths were sampled by dredge, with an unknown sample size. Since samples taken with two different tools were combined, no general sample size can be provided.
Longitude and latitude were provided for every sampling depth at every station, i.e. four coordinate sets per station. These were recalculated to one mean center longitude and one mean center latitude per station. In the online dataset, also minimum longitude, maximum longitude, minimum latitude and maximum latitude are given per station. Coordinate precision is the maximal distance (in meter) of the four sampling positions per station to this central point.
Since sampling events and sampling depths were combined, and therefore only one abundance value is available per station per species, these data should be considered as semi-quantitative.
28 mollusc species could be observed.