The Sea Turtle Restoration Project's Leatherback Watch Program is based in California and monitors sightings of leatherback sea turtles off the United States west coast. The program partners with offshore fishing charter vessels, marine researchers, yacht clubs, harbormasters, the recreational sailing community and whale watching groups. On the brink of extinction, Western Pacific leatherback sea turtles travel approximately 6,000 miles from Indonesia to feed on abundant jellyfish off our coast. The Leatherback Watch Program encourages individuals and organizations that sight leatherback sea turtles to communicate these sightings for educational and conservation use.
The objective is to obtain information from each sighting that includes the date, time, name of observer, exact GPS coordinates, a photograph or video as evidence of the sighting, and weather details. Pacific leatherback sea turtles are an endangered species that are drastically declining in numbers. The Sea Turtle Restoration Project Leatherback Watch Program uses the information obtained for education, research, and conservation purposes.The Sea Turtle Restoration Project’s mission is to protect and restore endangered sea turtles and marine biodiversity worldwide in ways that incorporate the ecological needs of marine species and the economic needs of local communities, both of which share our common marine environment. We accomplish our mission through grassroots and policy-maker education, consumer empowerment, strategic litigation and by promoting sustainable local, national and international marine policies.