Dataset record
- Type
- Dataset
- title in English
- Marine Geoscience Data System
- Acronym
- Description in English
- This dataset contains biological specimens sampled at the seafloor, taken from NSF Ridge2000 expeditions.
The Ridge 2000 program is an interdisciplinary research program sponsored by the National Science Foundation that is focused on integrated studies of all aspects of the Earth's oceanic spreading centers - from mantle to microbe. Recognizing that the complex linkages between life and planetary processes at mid-ocean ridges can only be understood through tightly integrated studies that span a broad range of disciplines, the program has promoted coordinated research activities at a few carefully chosen study sites.
- Abstract in English
- This dataset contains biological specimens sampled at the seafloor, taken from NSF Ridge2000 expeditions.
- License
- bibliographicCitation
- Carbotte, S.M., R. Arko, D.N. Chayes, W. Haxby, K. Lehnert, S. OHara, W.B.F. Ryan, R.A. Weissel, T. Shipley, L. Gahagan, K. Johnson, T. Shank (2004), New Integrated Data Management System for Ridge2000 and MARGINS Research, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(51), 553, doi:10.1029/2004EO510002. Consulted on on [date].
- Version
- 1