Dataset record
- Type
- Dataset
- title in English
- North Atlantic Stomiidae
- Description in English
- The Stomiidae database (S_db) compiles biological data and cruise data.
- Abstract in English
- The database compiles occurences of Stomiidae (sensu Fink, 1982) midwater fishes in the North Atlantic (from 0º to 70ºN) based on ichthyological collections holdings, published datasets and cruise data.
- Rights
- Unrestricted after moratorium period
- bibliographicCitation
- Porteiro, F.M. & R. S. Santos, 2004. The Stomiidae database (S_db).
- Version
- 1.0
Temporal coverage
- Temporal
- Start date
- 1842-01-01
- End date
- 2000-01-01
- Accrual periodicity
- Not relevant
Thesaurus terms
- Keyword
- Biogeography
- Ichthyological collections
- Taxonomy
- theme
- Biology
- Biology > Fish