Dataset record
- Type
- Dataset
- title in English
- National Pilot Monitoring Studies August 2017, Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea - Phase II (EMBLAS-II), ENPI/2013/313-169, (Microzooplankton)
- Acronym
- NPMS_UA_August 2017_microzooplankton
- Description in English
- Data collected within the EMBLAS-II "EU-UNDP Project 'Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea' (EMBLAS-II)" ( EMBLAS-II is co-financed by the European Commission (EC) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The project implementation started on 1 April 2014 and ended on 31 May 2018, having the total duration of 50 months. The EMBLAS project is addressing the overall need for support in protection and restoring the environmental quality and sustainability of the Black Sea. The specific objectives are as follows: Improve availability and quality of Black Sea environmental data in line with the MSFD and Black Sea Strategic Action Plan (2009) needs; Improve partner countries' ability to perform marine environmental monitoring along MSFD principles, taking into account the Black Sea Diagnostic Report II recommendations on capacity building.
The National Pilot Monitoring Studies (NPMS) and Joint Open Sea Survey (JOSS) Programme was developed within the framework of Project Activities. The NPMS-UA-2017 was performed in period 2017.08.15 to 2017.08.20 in the Ukrainian waters (North-Western part of the Black Sea) onboard the M/V "Auguste Piccard" (Ukraine). Microzooplankton samples were taken on 7 coastal stations (water surface). Bouin’s fixed water samples (sample volume was 930 – 985 cm3) were concentrated by settling up to volume 5 cm3 after delivery to the laboratory. Sampling performed by O. Kurilov (IMB NANU).
- Abstract in English
- Microzooplankton data: species composition, abundance (ind/m3), biomass (mg/m3) collected during the survey of the National Pilot Monitoring Studies Ukraine (NPMS UA) in the Ukrainian waters (North-Western part of the Black Sea) onboard the M/V "Augugste Piccard" (Ukraine) in August 2017
- Contactpoint
- Email
- License
- bibliographicCitation
- Kurilov, O.; Institute of Marine Biology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; (2020): National Pilot Monitoring Studies August 2017, Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea - Phase II (EMBLAS-II), ENPI/2013/313-169, (Microzooplankton)
Temporal coverage
- Temporal
- Start date
- 2017-08-15
- End date
- 2017-08-20
Thesaurus terms
- Keyword
- Biological monitoring
- Biological sampling
- Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
- theme
- Biology > Plankton