Original provider: Judith Zbinden
Dataset credits: Data provider ARCHELON (2004-2007)
Originating data center
Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool (STAT)
Project partner
Division of Conservation Biology (Judith Zbinden, Adrian Aebischer, Raphael Arlettaz) of the University of Berne, Switzerland, and ARCHELON, The Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece
Project sponsor or sponsor description
The MAVA foundation and to a lesser extent the Karl Mayer foundation are funding the project, which is embedded into a larger project including research on different aspects of Zakynthian loggerheads.
Supplemental information: Visit STAT's project page for additional information.
This dataset is a summarized representation of the telemetry locations aggregated per species per 1-degree cell.
The turtles tracked in this project are of the first loggerheads to be tracked during their postnesting migration from a Greek nesting beach. The project is carried out by the division of Conservation Biology of the University of Berne (Switzerland) in collaboration with ARCHELON, the Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece. Zakynthos is the largest known sea turtle nesting area of the Mediterranean, hosting about 1/4 of all known loggerhead nesting in the Mediterranean. The nesting beaches of Zakynthos are monitored by ARCHELON since 1983.