- Type
- Conference/Workshop
- Name
- UK Young scientists' and Engineers' Conference
- Location
- University of Nottingham
- Start date
- 2005-01-06
- End date
- 2005-01-07
- Description
- Within the general heading of coastal physical processes (i.e., waves, sediments, currents and their interrelation with coasts and structures), a number of different research areas or groupings exist (physical oceanography, geomorphology, coastal engineering etc). These have evolved partly to reflect the diversity of funding sources (natural sciences or engineering) and partly reflecting the focus of particular journals, but the research subjects studied by scientists within them overlap significantly (e.g. salt marsh dynamics and managed retreat; long-term beach evolution and beach nourishment). Unfortunately, a result of this has been the fragmentation of coastal work within the UK, to the detriment of all concerned.
This meeting aims to address this problem, by bringing together young researchers, industrialists and a number of established academics from these different groupings, and for the young researchers to present their work at a two-day meeting, at which internationally renowned keynote speaker presentations will be interleaved with informal discussions and poster presentations.
The conference theme is drawn from the European Network for Coastal Research, Coordination Action (ENCORA) - proposed topic of long-term coastal geo-morphological change. It will address the development of new methodologies for the prediction of geo-morphological changes including the effects of climate change, considering waves, sediments, currents and their inter-relation with coasts and structures, coastal geomorphology and long-term coastal evolution.