Institute record of Onderzoeksgroep Organische Milieuchemie en -Technologie


Onderzoeksgroep Organische Milieuchemie en -Technologie
Environmental Organic Chemistry and Technology research group@en
Parent institute
Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep Groene Chemie en Technologie
Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, Belgium
Contact numbers
+32-(0)9-264 59 50
Description @en
The research group Environmental Organic Chemistry and Technology (EnVOC) focuses on trace organic compounds in ecoystems, i.e. (bioactive) organic compounds that occur at (sub-)trace levels in our environment. The research activities involve three sub-disciplines:
  • environmental trace analysis;
  • environmental chemistry (fate, behaviour, partitioning, reactivity);
  • environmental treatment technology.
Merging all this, integrated research approaches are used in the lab activities covering multi-disciplinary research topics. Specific research projects deal with the so-called contaminants of emerging concern (e.g. pharmaceutical residues) in the aquatic environment, and on airborne volatile and semi-volatile organics in both gas phase and on particulate matter. For its research, the EnVOC group is equipped with highly advanced - mass spectrometry based - chemical-analytical equipment, as well as with experimental set-ups to provide solutions for challenges with respect to treatment of air and water. EnVOC is member of the Marine@UGent consortium.
Description @nl
De onderzoeksgroep Organische Milieuchemie en -Technologie (EnVOC) richt zich op organische spoorverbindingen in ecosystemen, m.a.w., (bioactieve) organische verbindingen die op (sub-)sporenniveau in ons milieu voorkomen. De onderzoeksactiviteiten omvatten drie subdisciplines:
  • milieusporenanalyse;
  • milieuchemie (lot, gedrag, partitionering, reactiviteit);
  • milieubehandelingstechnologie.
Om dit alles te combineren worden de labo-activiteiten gekenmerkt door geïntegreerde onderzoeksbenaderingen die multidisciplinaire onderzoeksthema's bestrijken. Specifieke onderzoeksprojecten hebben betrekking op de zogenaamde nieuwe zorgwekkende verontreinigende stoffen (bv. farmaceutische residuen) in het aquatisch milieu, en op vluchtige en semi-vluchtige organische stoffen in de lucht, zowel in de gasfase als in zwevende deeltjes. EnVOC is uitgerust met zeer geavanceerde - op massaspectrometrie gebaseerde - chemisch-analytische apparatuur, alsmede met experimentele opstellingen om oplossingen te bieden voor uitdagingen met betrekking tot de behandeling van lucht en water. EnVOC is lid van het consortium Marine@UGent.


Herman Van Langenhove
role: Professor
Gynaika De Coster
Patrick De Wispelaere
role: Technical staff
Kristof Demeestere
role: Professor
Max Sabbe
Preben Van Overmeiren
Lore Vandermeersch
role: Technical staff
Christophe Walgraeve
role: Postdoc

Past members

Rodrigo Alvarenga
role: Scientific staff
Duc Anh Luon
role: Scientific staff
Evelyn Burrick
role: Scientific staff
Evelien De Bel
role: Scientific staff
Laura Vittoria de Luca Peña
Jill De Maet
role: Thesis student
Bram De Meester
role: Scientific staff
Steven De Meester
role: Scientific Staff
Karlien De Roo
role: Scientific staff
Theo De Smet
role: Technical staff
Wouter De Soete
role: Scientific staff
Bavo De Witte
role: Assistant
Kevin Debevere
role: Scientific staff
Jo Dewulf
role: Professor
Maarten Dingemans
role: Scientific staff
Dohai Duc
role: Scientific staff
Phuong Ha Tran
role: Scientific staff
Philippe Heynderickx
role: Postdoc
Sofie Huysman
role: Scientific staff
Éva Joó
role: Scientific staff
Amit Kumar Malik
role: Scientific staff
Anh Luong
Munkhtsetseg Luvsanjamba
Olga Pokorska
role: Scientific staff
Thomas Schaubroeck
role: Scientific Staff
Sophie Sfez
Pilar Swart
role: Scientific staff
Sue Ellen Taelman
role: Scientific staff
Thuy Trang Nhu
role: Scientific staff
Geert Van der Vorst
role: Scientific staff
Xander Van Doorslaer
role: Assistant
Jim Van Durme
role: Scientific staff
Wouter Van Hecke
role: Scientific staff
Katrijn Van Huffel
role: Assistant
Francis Vanryckeghem
role: PhD researcher
Leendert Vergeynst
role: Scientific staff
Diëgo Volckaert
role: Scientific staff
Dries Wellekens


Air-water exchanges
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 241
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 911
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 4092
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 5152
Nutrients (mineral)
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 5629
Organic compounds
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 5829
Organic pollutants
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181517
Volatile compounds
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 9030
geographic terms
ANE, North Sea
Belgium, Zeeschelde

Special collections

Marine expertise
Marine expertise: Speciality: Chemical oceanography
Marine expertise: Type: Flemish university
Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium

record metadata

date created: 2003-11-26
date modified: 2018-06-28