Institute record of National Marine Park of Zakynthos


National Marine Park of Zakynthos
Description @en
The National Marine Park of Zakynthos (N.M.P.Z.) was established with the aim to protect and conserve animal and plants species as well as their habitats, which constitute an important natural heritage at national and international level. Therefore, the main concern of the N.M.P.Z. is the preservation of natural heritage and conservation of ecological balance of marine and coastal area of Lagana’s bay and Strofadia islets taking into account at the same time the development of human activities that are compatible with the aim of nature’s protection. The area of the N.M.P.Z. is well known as one of the most important rookeries of the Loggerhead sea turtleCaretta caretta in the Mediterranean. The area of the N.M.P.Z. is also characterized by the presence of the endangered monk seal Monachus monachus, the rich migrant avifauna and endemic flora, as well as the habitats of European and Mediterranean interest like sand dunes and halophile vegetation systems and meadows of the sea grass Posidonia oceanica. The main objectives of the National Marine Park of Zakynthos are reached through the development of programs and activities such as: Anthropogenic Activities Control and Surveillance/ Public awareness Programme. Scientific Monitoring Programme Environmental Education Programme Actions for the tourism growth according to sustainable development principles Actions for the safekeeping of traditional uses (fishing, grazing, agriculture, etc) Actions for the preservation of natural and cultural heritage


Charalampos Dimitriadis

record metadata

date created: 2022-10-17
date modified: 2022-10-17