Institute record of Belgian Biodiversity Platform


Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Parent institute
Belgian Science Policy
Vautierstraat 29, 1000 Brussel, Belgium
Description @en
Mission Our mission is to foster biodiversity research that contributes to sustainable development, by:
  • Facilitating access to biodiversity data, science and research information;
  • Encouraging interdisciplinary cooperation amongst scientists;
  • Stimulating interaction between scientists, policy makers and stakeholders in biodiversity research;
  • Advising on the designation of biodiversity research priorities;
  • Promoting Belgian biodiversity research at international fora.
Task and services To accomplish our mission, the platform:
  • Valorizes Belgian biodiversity data by making them accessible worldwide, through a unified web portal. As national node for the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), we offer support to researchers in developing, linking and, eventually, hosting databases;
  • Develops BioBel, a reference database on biodiversity related research and resources in Belgium;
  • Animates thematic forums and organizes events on topical issues in biodiversity research to encourage communication and discussion between scientists, policy makers and stakeholders; they act as catalysts for the integration of science into biodiversity conservation and policy and as kernel for projects on specific problems related to the management and conservation of biodiversity;
  • Analyses scientific research with a view to contribute to the development of an effective and appropriate science policy;
  • Serves as interface between researchers and Belgian and international science policy organizations. As such, the platform is the secretariat of the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS) and the National committee of the international biodiversity programme DIVERSITAS.
Description @nl
(1) Het verhogen en verbeteren van informatie-uitwisseling tussen wetenschappers, mensen in het veld en de beleidsmakers omtrent biodiversiteit-thema's, (2) Het uitvoeren van een analyse over het huidige biodiversiteitsonderzoek in Belgiƫ: identificatie van sterktes en zwaktes op dit gebied en bepaling van toekomstig prioritair onderzoek, (3) Het promoten van biodiversiteitsonderzoek: ontwikkeling van interdisciplinaire onderzoeksnetwerken en betere integratie van Belgisch onderzoek in internationale programma's.

Events User & Stakeholders Meeting
EBR II Conference - Empowering Biodiversity Research
Empowering Biodiversity Research
Empowering Biodiversity Research Conference II - POSTPONED TO 2021
LifeWatch Biodiversity Day 2021: biologging & camera trapping
LifeWatch Biodiversity Day 2022: Habitat mapping - POSTPONED
LifeWatch Biodiversity Day 2023: Habitat mapping
LifeWatch Biodiversity Day 2024: Taxonomy User & Stakeholders Meeting 2020 - ONLINE EVENT
Scientific Tools for in situ Biodiversity Conservation (monitoring, modelling and experiments)


Kristina Articus-Lepage
role: Liaison Officer
Dimitri Brosens
Bruno Danis
role: Data acquisition manager
Hendrik Segers
role: Scientific coordinator
Anton Van de Putte
role: Science Officer
Aline Van der Werf
role: Assistant project manager

Past members

Estelle Balian
role: Data acquisition manager
Erika Baus
role: Data acquisition manager
Etienne Branquart
role: Scientific resources responsible
Danny Charbonneau
Peter Desmet
role: Data aquisition manager
Philippe Desmeth
role: Project manager
Jurgen Tack
role: Science policy responsible


defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 9471
Data acquisition
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 2087
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 2102

Special collections

Marine expertise
Marine expertise: Speciality: Biological oceanography
Marine expertise: Type: Federal administration
Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium

record metadata

date created: 2003-11-26
date modified: 2010-04-28