- Type
- Organization
- Type
- Name
- Unité de Biologie Marine
- Name
- Research group Marine Biology@en
- Acronym
- Parent institute
Université Libre de Bruxelles; Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie Marine (ULB - UMH)
- Address
- Campus du Solbosch - CP160/15, Avenue F.D. Roosevelt 50, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
- Contact numbers
- Telephone
- +32-(0)2-650 29 70
- Location
- latitude
- 50.8235717
- longitude
- 4.3766927
- Description @en
- The Marine Biology (BIOMAR) lab carries out research focusing on marine conservation at all latitudes, blending (numerical)ecology, bio/phylogeography and physiology of a broad range of marine organisms (with a special attention devoted to benthic invertebrates, including echinoderms). BIOMAR started its research and training activities in 1969, when Prof. Michel Jangoux was first recruited. Since 1989, BIOMAR is closely associated to other marine biology research laboratories, forming the 'Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie Marine' (CIBIM). Since 2023, BIOMAR co-manages a research station in Belaza (Southwest of Madagascar) with UMons, ULiège and UToliara.
The following subjects are studied: aquaculture, biodiversity, biogeography, biomineralisation, development, ecotoxicology, ecophysiology (including energetics), general biology, marine imagery, numerical ecology, nutrition, systematics, reproduction and symbioses.
- Description @nl
- Het laboratorium voor Mariene Biologie (BIOMAR) voert onderzoek uit dat gericht is op mariene conservatie op alle breedtegraden, waarbij (numerieke) ecologie, bio/phylogeografie en fysiologie van een breed scala aan mariene organismen worden gecombineerd (met speciale aandacht voor benthische ongewervelden, waaronder stekelhuidigen). BIOMAR startte zijn onderzoeks- en opleidingsactiviteiten in 1969, toen Prof. Michel Jangoux werd aangeworven. Sinds 1989 is BIOMAR nauw verbonden met andere onderzoekslaboratoria voor mariene biologie en vormt het het 'Centre Interuniversitaire de Biologie Marine' (CIBIM). Sinds 2023 beheert BIOMAR samen met UMons, ULiège en UToliara een onderzoeksstation in Belaza (zuidwesten van Madagaskar).
De volgende onderwerpen worden bestudeerd: aquacultuur, biodiversiteit, biogeografie, biomineralisatie, ontwikkeling, ecotoxicologie, ecofysiologie (inclusief energetica), algemene biologie, mariene beeldvorming, numerieke ecologie, voeding, systematiek, voortplanting en symbiose.
- (Micro)plastics
- defined term set: MOG Topics
- term code: 181510
- Aquaculture
- defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
- term code: 473
- Aquaculture
- defined term set: MOG Topics
- term code: 181481
- Aquariology
- defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
- term code: 492
- Benthos
- defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
- term code: 877
- Biodiversity
- defined term set: MOG Topics
- term code: 181484
- Detoxification
- defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
- term code: 2270
- Ecosystem functioning
- defined term set: MOG Topics
- term code: 181495
- Ecotoxicology
- defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
- term code: 9505
- Heavy metals
- defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
- term code: 3962
- Marine ecology
- defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
- term code: 4997
- Osteology
- defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
- term code: 5877
- defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
- term code: 6047
- Pollutants
- defined term set: MOG Topics
- term code: 181517
- Population dynamics
- defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
- term code: 9702
- taxonomic terms
- Echinodermata [Echinoderms]
- Holothuroidea [Sea cucumbers]
- geographic terms
- I, Indo-Pacific
- PS, Antarctic Ocean