Institute record of Institute for Coastal Research


Institute for Coastal Research
Parent institute
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Centre for Materials and Coastal Research
Max-PlanckStraße 1, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany
Contact numbers
+49-(0)4152-87 15 33
Description @en
The GKSS Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH (GKSS) is one of 16 national not-for-profit research facilities belonging to the Hermann von Helmholtz Association (HGF) with a total staff of approximately 750 employees, including about 480 scientists, engineers and technicians. About 85 % of GKSS's annual budget is provided by the federal and states governments, while 15 % are generated via EU and national research projects, contract research. GKSS maintains central administrative, financial and legal departments providing for full support to its researchers in all related issues. The environmental work in the Institute for Coastal Research is focused on the transport and chemical/physical behaviour of substances in estuaries and the coastal zone. New sensors/instruments have been developed and numerical models were used for the development of new monitoring strategies.


Workshop 'Best practice in generating long-term and large-scale observational data sets of suspended particulate matter concentration'


Lutz Ahrens
Arno Behrens
Dennis Bray
Ulrich Callies
Frank Carsten
Alena Chrastansky
Wolfgang Cordes
Marius Cysewski
Kirstin Daehnke
Kirstin Dähnke
Mikhail Dobrynin
Julika Doerffer
Roland Doerffer
Annekatrin Dreyer
Ralf Ebinghaus
Dieter Eppel
Stylianos Flampouris
Götz Flöser
Gerhard Gayer
Kira Gee
role: Researcher
Steffen Gehnke
Iris Grabemann
Simone Griesel
Heinz Günther
Martina Heineke
Kerstin Heymann
Jochen Horstmann
Andreas Kannen
Hartmut Kapitza
Ulrike Kleeberg
Hans-Diethardt Knauth
Wolfgang Koch
Hansjörg Krasemann
Hartwig Kremer
role: Head of LOICZ International Project Office (IPO)
Markus Kreus
Joachim Krohn
Marcus Lange
Martin Lange
Janina Marx
role: PhD student
Dagmar Müller
role: PhD student
Jan-Moritz Müller
Reiner Onken
Rudolf Pepelnik
Wilhelm Petersen
Michael Petschatnikov
Andrei Pleskatchevski
Andreas Prange
Daniel Pröfrock
Markus Quante
Rolf Riethmueller
Wolfgang Rosenthal
Rüdiger Röttgers
Helmut Schiller
Kathrin Schiller
Wolfgang Schönfeld
Friedhelm Schroeder
Stephan Sedlacek
Cilli Sobiech
Janina Sothmann
Renate Sturm
Karl-Heinz van Bernem
Ralf Weisse
Friedwart Ziemer

Past members

Antje Bruns
Franciscus Colijn
role: Director
Heiko Dankert
Clivia Häse
role: Coordination office manager German Coastal Network and Thematic Network on Field Observation Techniques (Theme 9)
Antje Kakuschke
Jens Kappenberg
Karina Stockmann
Bernd Vaessen

Special collections

Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium

record metadata

date created: 2003-11-26
date modified: 2010-11-08