Person record of
Ricardo Serrão Santos
Honorific prefix
Serrão Santos
University of the Azores; Department of Oceanography and Fisheries
University of the Azores
Institute of Marine Research
Advanced system integration for managing the coordinated operation of robotic ocean vehicles
during period
Start date: 1997
End date: 2000
Benefits of marine protected areas: testing the theory with field experiments
during period
Start date: 2002
End date: 2005
Biodiversity, biogeography and bioaccumulation in mesopelagic fishes of the North Atlantic: a study for Luso-American co-operation
during period
Start date: 1997
End date: 2000
Biogeography and biodiversity of hydrothermal vents and cold seeps: an international cooperative study
during period
Start date: 1995
End date: 1998
Causes and consequences of changing marine biodiversity a fish and fisheries perspective
during period
Start date: 2005
End date: 2008
Climatic effects on the ecology of littoral fishes: A geographic and phenological approach
during period
Start date: 1996
End date: 1999
Coastal marine habitats, thematic mapping of the seabed using GIS, AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) & ASV (Autonomous Surface Vehicles)
during period
Start date: 2001
End date: 2004
Creating a long term infrastructure for marine biodiversity research in the European Economic Area and the Newly Associated States
during period
Start date: 2002
End date: 2005
Deep-sea & Extreme Environments, Patterns of Species and Ecosystem Time Series
during period
Start date: 2005
End date: 2008
Deep-sea hydrothermal vents: a natural pollution laboratory
during period
Start date: 1999
End date: 2002
Development of a Miniaturized Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Habitat Mapping
during period
Start date: 2003
End date: 2006
Ecology and conservation of the temporally segregated populations of the Madeiran storm petrel
Oceanodroma castro
breeding in the Azores
during period
Start date: 2001
End date: 2003
Ecology and population structure of bottlenose dolphins and sperm whales in the Azores: assessing the relationship with habitat features
during period
Start date: 2002
End date: 2004
Effects of Marine Reserves: Bio-telemetry in the Azores
during period
Start date: 2003
End date: 2005
ELectronic conference on MARine Biodiversity in Europe
during period
Start date: 2001
End date: 2001
European Marine Biodiversity Observatory System
during period
Start date: 2011
End date: 2015
European marine protected areas as tools for fisheries management and conservation
during period
Start date: 2005
End date: 2008
Extreme ecosystem studies in the deep ocean: technological developments
during period
Start date: 2004
End date: 2007
Functioning of FOOD WEbs across ecosystems of different BIOdiversity level
during period
Start date: 2005
End date: 2008
Implementation and networking of large-scale long-term marine biodiversity research in Europe
during period
Start date: 2000
End date: 2002
Integrated management of coastal and marine areas in the Azores
during period
Start date: 1998
End date: 2002
Integrated management of coastal and marine zones in the Azores
during period
Start date: 1998
End date: 2003
Integration of different methods to study patterns and changes in pelagic biodiversity in the open ocean along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
during period
Start date: 2005
End date: 2008
Knowledge, promotion and valorisation for a sustainable use of marine protected areas in Macaronesia
during period
Start date: 2004
End date: 2006
Location and characterisation of hydrothermal vents of the AMAR segment
during period
Start date: 1998
End date: 2002
Management of marine protected areas in Macaronesia (Azores, Canaries and Madeira)
during period
Start date: 2002
End date: 2004
Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning - EU Network of Excellence
during period
Start date: 2004
End date: 2009
Marine Propagation Along the Coasts of Europe
during period
Start date: 2005
End date: 2008
Monitoring deep sea floor hydrothermal environments on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: A Marie Curie Research Training Network
during period
Start date: 2004
End date: 2008
Neuro-ethology and behavioural endocrinology of the polymorphic male sexual behaviour of the rock-pool Azorean blenny
Parablennius sanguinolentus parvicornis
(Pisces: Blenniidae)
during period
Start date: 1997
End date: 2000
OceAnic Seamounts: an Integrated Study
during period
Start date: 2002
Paternity and alopaternity in territorial fishes: behavioural and genetic studies
during period
Start date: 1995
End date: 1998
Seafloor and sub-seafloor hydrothermal modelling in the Azores sea
during period
Start date: 2002
End date: 2005
Study on the potencial of
“perna-longa” Himantopus himantopus
as bio-indicator of mercury contamination by mercury in wetlands
during period
Start date: 2000
End date: 2002
Special collections
MarBEF contacts
Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
record metadata
date created: 2001-02-22
date modified: 2004-03-11