Person record of Rolf Peinert


Honorific prefix
Description @en
Dr. Rolf Peinert is the Managing Director of KDM. As a Biological Oceanographer by skill he has 25 years’ experience of conducting and coordinating marine research in various German and international programmes. In his capacity, Rolf Peinert is charged with representing the major German marine research institutions and their expertise in all fields of marine science. Most relevant in this context his work includes anticipating and defining needs for future marine research in adequately structured programmes in response to societal and scientific demands. For this purpose KDM internally organizes topical “Strategy Groups” in which Rolf Peinert plays an active role. Examples are his participation in strategic preparations for an upcoming coastal marine research programme funded by BMBF, and his activities for KDM to develop the Strategic Research Agenda for the EU programme BONUS. Furthermore he is engaged in research infrastructure activities, in particular preparations for deep-sea observation systems and their implementation at national and EU levels, and provides KDM umbrellas for German participations in EMSO and Euro Argo.


German Marine Research Consortium


CSA Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans
during period
Start date: 2012
End date: 2015

record metadata

date created: 2014-07-23
date modified: 2014-07-24