Project record of Bulgaria: Evaluation of the impacts of land based activities in Bulgaria on the marine and coastal environment, ecosystems and biodiversity


Bulgaria: Evaluation of the impacts of land based activities in Bulgaria on the marine and coastal environment, ecosystems and biodiversity
Description @en
Bulgaria lacks an organized biodiversity and biological resource monitoring in the coastal zone with the exception of certain isolated specialized studies. The LBA (land based activities) impact on the marine and coastal resources and the ecosystem health has never been assessed either. The reduction of the marine bio-resources (fish in particular) and the degrading of certain coastal ecosystems is probably the most important ecological problem for Bulgaria. The project has the following main objective is institutional capacity building (policy development, drawing up of an action programme) to contribute to the following final results: - Diagnostical LBA analysis made from a biodiversity and ecosystem point of view - Setting of priorities among the major LBA and LBS (land based sources of pollution) - Proposing of management and mitigation measures.
Start date
End date

Institutes & people involved

Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Leefmilieu, Natuur en Energie; Administratie Milieu,- Natuur-, Land- en Waterbeheer
role: Sponsor
De Sutter Renaat
associated with: ARCADIS; ARCADIS Belgium nv; Ecolas
Volckaert Annemie
associated with: ARCADIS; ARCADIS Belgium nv; Ecolas

record metadata

date created: 2006-10-10
date modified: 2009-02-26