Project record of Determination and description of relations among sediment transport, current structures and seabed evolution, extension and verification of models of these phenomena for shallow water of dissipative (barred) and reflective (non-barred) coasts


Determination and description of relations among sediment transport, current structures and seabed evolution, extension and verification of models of these phenomena for shallow water of dissipative (barred) and reflective (non-barred) coasts
Name @pl
Określenie i opis związków pomiędzy ruchem osadów, strukturami prądowymi i zmianami dennymi oraz rozbudowa i weryfikacja modeli tych zjawisk dla płytkowodnych obszarów brzegu wielorewowego (dyssypatywnego) oraz bezrewowego (reflektywnego)
Start date
End date

Institutes & people involved

Pruszak Zbigniew
associated with: Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Hydroengineering
role: Co-ordinator
Szmytkiewicz Marek
associated with: Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Hydroengineering
role: Executant
Ostrowski Rafał
associated with: Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Hydroengineering
role: Executant
Szmytkiewicz Piotr
associated with: Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Hydroengineering
role: Executant
Rozynski Grzegorz
associated with: Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Hydroengineering
role: Executant
Trifonva Ekaterina
associated with: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Institute of Oceanology
role: Contact

special collections

Theme 5: Long term coastal geomorphological change

record metadata

date created: 2007-05-02
date modified: 2010-06-16