Project record of Sustainable Management of Scarce Resources in the Coastal Zone


Sustainable Management of Scarce Resources in the Coastal Zone
Description @en
The SMART project explores methods and tools for long-term policy analysis and strategic decision support for integrated coastal development with a special emphasis on water resources and land use, and the resource balance between the coastal region and inland areas. The ultimate aim is to develop, implement and test a new, participatory but scientifically sound and rational approach to planning and management of the coastal zone that can help to reconcile conflicting demands on scarce natural resources.
Start date
End date

Institutes & people involved

Fedra Kurt
associated with: Environmental software and services GmBh
role: Co-ordinator
Giupponi Carlo
associated with: Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
role: Partner
David Eric
associated with: SOGREAH - Division Laboratoire Hydraulique de France
role: Partner
Lourenço Nelson
associated with: Atlantica University; Ensino, Investigação e Administração S.A
role: Partner
Harmancioglu Nilgun
associated with: Dokuz Eylül University; Hydrology and Water Resources Center
role: Partner
Khawlie Mohamad
associated with: National Centre for Remote Sensing
role: Partner
Abdelrehim Ahmed
associated with: Center for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe
role: Partner
Chaari Abdelmajid
associated with: National Remote Sensing Center
role: Partner

record metadata

date created: 2007-05-04
date modified: 2007-05-04