Project record of Characterisation of hydrometeorological conditions of coastlines, analysis of risks to coastlines, behaviour of protective measures and dynamics of Posidonia oceanica grasslands


Characterisation of hydrometeorological conditions of coastlines, analysis of risks to coastlines, behaviour of protective measures and dynamics of Posidonia oceanica grasslands
Name @fr
Caractérisation des conditions hydro-météorologiques en zone littorale et analyse des risques littoraux, du comportement des ouvrages de protection et de la dynamique des prairies de Posidonia oceanica
Description @en
The proposal for measure 2.2 of the BEACHMED-e project includes five public research bodies, belonging to three countries within the European Union, and four different regions which will work together for 24 months. This project aims to study the dynamics of the coastlines and their consequences by focusing on the four scientific research areas shown below:
  1. Characterisation of wave climates and hydrodynamic and weather conditions based on measurements and modelling.
  2. The study of erosion and sea storms in coastal zones.
  3. The study of deterioration processes of artificial coastal protection mechanisms and the development of methods for the monitoring and prediction of their behaviour.
  4. The study of interaction between wave movement and marine biotopes (samples of Posidonia oceanica grasslands)
Description @it
La proposta elaborata per la misura 2.2 del progetto BEACHMED-e comprende cinque enti pubblici di ricerca appartenenti a tre paesi dell’Unione Europea e a quattro diverse regioni che collaboreranno per 24 mesi. Tale progetto è volto a studiare la dinamica litoranea e le relative conseguenze, tramite l’approfondimento delle quattro aree di ricerca scientifica illustrate a continuazione:
  1. la caratterizzazione dei climi ondosi e delle condizioni idrodinamiche e metereologiche, sulla base di misurazioni e modellazioni;
  2. lo studio dei fenomeni erosivi e delle mareggiate nelle zone litoranee;
  3. lo studio dei processi di deterioramento delle opere artificiali di protezione dei litorali e lo sviluppo di metodi per il monitoraggio e la previsione del loro comportamento;
  4. lo studio delle interazioni tra moto ondoso e biotopi marini (esempi di prateria di Posidonia oceanica).
Start date
End date

Institutes & people involved

Zanuttigh Barbara
associated with: University of Bologna; Department of Civil, Environmental and Materials Engineering
role: Partner
Lamberti Alberto
associated with: University of Bologna; Department of Civil, Environmental and Materials Engineering
role: Partner
Archetti Renata
associated with: University of Bologna; Department of Civil, Environmental and Materials Engineering
role: Partner


Coastal structures
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 1649
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 4095
geographic terms

special collections

Theme 8: Sustainable coastal engineering techniques
Theme 9: Assessment of field observation techniques

record metadata

date created: 2007-05-04
date modified: 2009-02-26