Project record of Management of sand deposits collected by coastal and river infrastructure. Recovery of sediment transport


Management of sand deposits collected by coastal and river infrastructure. Recovery of sediment transport
Name @fr
Gestion des stocks sableux interceptés par les ouvrages côtiers et fluviaux. Récupération du transport solide
GESA 3.3
Description @en
Eight partners will take part in the GESA subproject: it aims to carry out a multidisciplinary study of the way sand deposits and sand collected by coastal infrastructure is managed as well as the recovery of sediment transports in river beds. This study will be carried out along various coastal sections of four European countries: 1) Spain, 2) Italy, 3) France and 4) Greece.
Description @it
Il sottoprogetto GESA, cui parteciperanno otto partner, comporta uno studio multidisciplinare sulla gestione dei depositi di sabbia intercettati dalle infrastrutture costiere e sul recupero del trasporto solido nei letti fluviali. Questo studio sarà condotto su vari settori costieri di quattro paesi europei: 1) la Spagna, 2) l'Italia, 3) la Francia e 4) la Grecia.
Start date
End date

Institutes & people involved

Martinelli Luca
associated with: University of Bologna; Department of Civil, Environmental and Materials Engineering
role: Partner
Lamberti Alberto
associated with: University of Bologna; Department of Civil, Environmental and Materials Engineering
role: Partner
Zanuttigh Barbara
associated with: University of Bologna; Department of Civil, Environmental and Materials Engineering
role: Partner


Sand deposits
defined term set: Transportation Research Thesaurus
term code: 99646
geographic terms

special collections

Theme 8: Sustainable coastal engineering techniques

record metadata

date created: 2007-05-04
date modified: 2009-02-26