Project record of Concerted Interuniversity Research Action "North Sea"


Concerted Interuniversity Research Action "North Sea"
Name @nl
Interuniversitaire Geconcerteerde Onderzoeksactie "Noordzee"
Description @en
"Project Sea" was followed by two series of Concerted Research Actions (CRA) in marine sciences. From 1977 to 1981, the Concerted Research Action "Oceanology" with a budget of 3,4 MEURO and from 1982 to 1993, the Concerted Interuniversity Research Action "North Sea" with a budget of 5,3 MEURO. These research actions which, unlike "Project Sea", had no central coordination system, promoted sustained research in a number of laboratories and facilitated the expansion and improvement of results already achieved.
Start date
End date


Benthos in marine ecosystems and environmental pollution - Marine ecosystems; Pollution of Belgian coast waters and the estuary of the western part of the Scheldt
Chemistry of the North Sea - Biogeochemical cycles of heavy metals in the North Sea; Atmospheric pollution by heavy metals above the North Sea and the evaluation of air-sea interaction processes: Material flux from the Scheldt estuary to the North Sea; Material input and transport through discharges, exploitation of sand and dredging
Ecohydrodynamic study of the oceanic fronts - Modelling of oceanic fronts; Physical, chemical and biological measurements; Production comparisons; Ecohydrodynamical front modelling; Evaluation of front influences; Comparative hydrodynamic studies concerning various marine types
Ecology and geochemistry of marine systems - Ecological functions; Biotransfers of stable pollutants; Geochemistry of heavy metal traces
Marine geology - Sediment dynamics and morphodynamics; Seismic stratigraphy; Tithostratigraphy
Microbiological study of basic processes which govern the circulation of organic matter in the marine and estuary environments
Study of the lobster Artemia with regard to the improvement of its use in the foodchain as a source of food in aquaculture

Institutes & people involved

Belgian Science Policy
role: Sponsor

record metadata

date created: 2007-11-07
date modified: 2007-11-12