Project record of GIS4EU


Description @en
In Europe the situation on spatial information is characterised by a lack of harmonisation between datasets at different geographical scales, fragmentized datasets and sources, gaps in availability and duplication of information collection. The GIS4EU project aims to provide base cartography datasets (administration units, hydrography, transportation networks and elevation themes) for Europe, and to ensure its cross-scale, cross language and cross-border interoperability and accessibility according to standards and INSPIRE directive requirements. The approach of the project aims to develop a common data model, harmonisation, aggregation and data exposition rules and guidelines in order to enable access to consistent and homogenous reference data provided by cartographic authorities from different countries and levels (national, regional and local) without building one central database and service. During the process an operational validation of INSPIRE standards and implementation rules will be performed in order to provide input in to it and validate the general rules. Guidelines and procedures will be developed by applying examples onto a sample of data, and a GIS4EU portal will be built and launched during the running of the project. Thereby, after the full implementation of the project, there will be a significant and noticeable progress in the accessibility, usability and exploitation of reference data through Europe.
Start date
End date

Institutes & people involved

De Zorzi Stefania
associated with: Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia; Consortium for Coordination of Research Activities concerning the Venice Lagoon System
role: Co-ordinator
University of Girona
role: Partner
Geographical Information Systems International Group
role: Partner
University of Nottingham
role: Partner
University of Rome La Sapienza
role: Partner
Instituto Geográfico Português
role: Partner
Universität Münster; Institute for Geoinformatics
role: Partner
Institute of Geodesy, Cartography and Remote Sensing
role: Partner

special collections


record metadata

date created: 2008-01-22
date modified: 2010-06-16