Project record of Characterisation, utilisation and maintenance of biological diversity for the diversification and sustainability of catfish culture in South-East Asia


Characterisation, utilisation and maintenance of biological diversity for the diversification and sustainability of catfish culture in South-East Asia
Description @en
Catfishes are important aquatic resources in SE Asia where their culture represents about 70.000 ton annually. In order to provide a sound basis for the diversification, optimisation and sustainability of catfish culture, the proposed research seaks (1) to obtain a better knowledge of available genetic resources that could be used for aquaculture, (2) to implement monitoring tools for the maintenance of genetic diversity in cultivated fishstocks, (3) to present a preliminary evaluation of genetical and parasitological impacts of exotic catfish on wild populations, (4) to identify new species or strains of aquaculture interest and (5) to establish appropriated artificial propagation techniqes in selected strategic species.
Start date
End date

Institutes & people involved

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
role: Co-ordinator
Volckaert Filip
associated with: KU Leuven
Koninklijk Museum voor Midden Afrika
role: Partner

record metadata

date created: 2009-01-19
date modified: 2009-02-26