Project record of Individual-based modelling of life history traits and recruitment mechan isms of pelagic fish populations


Individual-based modelling of life history traits and recruitment mechan isms of pelagic fish populations
Description @en
This research project aims to develop evolutionary individual based models which couple selection pressures to spatio-temporal patterns of migration and spawning of pelagic fish populations. The environment is represented by advection and diffusion coefficients, ice cover, solar irradiance, temperature, turbidity and prey and predator availability. Model organisms are the Antarctic silverfish, the North Sea herring and the freshwater sardine, which has been introduced in Lake Kariba (Zimbabwe). The life history of each species is simulated using individual-based modelling (dynamic state variable models and neural networks).
Start date
End date

Institutes & people involved

Ollevier Frans
associated with: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Departement Biologie; Afdeling Dierenecologie en -systematiek


Marine biology
defined term set: CSA Technology Research Database Master Thesaurus
term code: 68601

record metadata

date created: 2009-08-21
date modified: 2009-08-21