Project record of Metagenomics for bioexploration- tools and application


Metagenomics for bioexploration- tools and application
Description @en
This proposal will (further) develop and apply metagenomics tools to access the enzymatic potential borne in the cryptic biota of selected natural habitats, in particular target soil-related and aquatic ones. In the light of the environmental relevance of chitins and lignins (as natural compounds recalcitrant to degradation) and halogenated aliphatic and aromatic compounds (anthropogenic recalcitrant compounds), the enzymatic activities that we will target are functions able to degrade these compounds. A database of gene functions will be established and maintained. Next to its great relevance to environmental biotechnology including bioremediation, a spin-off of the work will be the discovery of novel biocatalytic functions of industrial relevance. We will in particular address the catabolic potential that is encoded by the mobilome, the collective pool of mobile genetic elements in the microbiota. We will further apply high-throughput (454-based) sequencing to rapidly unravel the metabolic complement in this mobile gene pool. The project brings together a suite of 15 contractors across Europe, encompassing 21 laboratories spread over 11 countries and including 4 SMEs. Most of the partners are renowned laboratories which have vast experience in metagenomics of environmental samples, biotechnology, enzymology, bioinformatics, the mobilome, waste management and bioremediation and enzyme production.
Start date
End date

Institutes & people involved

van Elsas Jan Dirk
associated with: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
role: Co-ordinator
KU Leuven
role: Partner
European Commission; Seventh Framework Programme
role: Sponsor
Université Catholique de Louvain
role: Partner
University of Copenhagen
role: Partner
University of Warwick
role: Partner
Wageningen University and Research Centre; University of Wageningen
role: Partner
Universität Bielefeld
role: Partner
Ministry of Employment and the Economy; Technical Research Center of Finland
role: Partner
University of Ljubljana
role: Partner
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
role: Partner
Whitby Seafoods
role: Partner
BioDetection Systems BV
role: Partner
National University of La Plata
The University of Insubria
role: Partner
Julius Kühn-Institut - Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanze
role: Partner
Ecole Centrale de Lyon
role: Partner
Södertörn University
role: Partner

record metadata

date created: 2009-09-24
date modified: 2014-10-27