Project record of Knowledge Transfer Network for Prevention of Mental Diseases and Cancer in the Atlantic Area


Knowledge Transfer Network for Prevention of Mental Diseases and Cancer in the Atlantic Area
Description @en
This Project is focused on the effects of climate change on the Atlantic Area which are responsible for the settlement of favourable ecological conditions for marine compounds reproduction. As a result, marine organisms have developed unique metabolic and physiological capabilities to be able to survive in such new habitats. However, these sometimes negative effects caused by climate change can be taken in a positive way, because they are an important source of new chemicals that can be studied and developed by research centres of Atlantic Area aiming to transfer and to be used by enterprises belonging to involved sectors or to be benefited from such research in the future (chemistry, pharmacology, environmental, maritime, fishing, etc ...). Some of the partners of this project are among these research centres, which have already grown, purified and developed models to test the activity, toxicology and validation of the activity of marine origin toxins that are present in the Atlantic Area.
Start date
End date

Institutes & people involved

European Commission
role: Sponsor
Vasconcelos Vitor
associated with: University of Porto; Interdisciplinary Centre for Marine and Environmental Research (Porto)
Botana Luis
associated with: University of Santiago de Compostela
role: Co-ordinator
Queen's University Belfast
role: Partner
The National Center for Scientific Research
role: Partner
Cork Institute of Technology
role: Partner
National Association of Fish and Seafood Cannery Manifacturers
role: Partner
University of Algarve
role: Partner
Dublin City University
role: Partner
Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute
role: Partner
University of Aberdeen
role: Partner

record metadata

date created: 2013-05-17
date modified: 2013-05-22