Project record of Marine Biotechnology ERA-NET


Marine Biotechnology ERA-NET
Description @en
The Marine Biotechnology ERA-NET (ERA-MBT) recognises that Europe’s marine ecosystems and organisms are largely unexplored, understudied and underutilized, in spite of Europe’s access to an extensive and diverse set of marine ecosystems, supporting an enormous marine biodiversity. This resource, through the coordinated application of marine biotechnology, has the potential to provide a major contribution towards addressing some of the most pressing societal challenges including environmental degradation, human health and delivering sustainable supplies of food and energy, amongst others regarded as the Grand Challenges for our future. The ERA-MBT is therefore designed to deliver better coordination of relevant national and regional Research, Technology Development and Innovation (RTDI) programmes in Europe, reducing fragmentation and duplication, and paving the way for common programmes and cooperation in the provision and use of research infrastructures. A necessity to make sustainable use of this unique resource. ERA-MBT's 19 partners will work with stakeholders from industry and organisations to identify needs and gaps in the value chain from research and development, through optimising research results for proof of concept and industrial uptake and valorisation. At least three transnational calls will address these challenges, and cooperations with complementing activities will be explored to add value and power to enable the development of a horizontally applicable technology like marine biotechnology.
Start date
End date


ERA-MBT Final Conference: Oceans of opportunities
ERA-MBT Stakeholder meeting: Marine Biotechnology - enabling future innovations

Institutes & people involved

Bergseth Steinar
associated with: The Research Council of Norway
Aune Agnes
associated with: The Research Council of Norway
De Raedemaecker Fien
associated with: Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee
Mees Jan
associated with: Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee
Norton Marta
associated with: Ministério da Ciência e da Tecnologia; Foundation for Science and Technology
Isidro Anabela
associated with: Ministério da Ciência e da Tecnologia; Foundation for Science and Technology
Hurst Dermot
associated with: Marine Institute Ireland
Børresen Torger
associated with: Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation
Gøtke Niels
associated with: Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation
Schulte Petra
associated with: Helmholtz Association; Research Centre Jülich
Schiffers Jens
associated with: Helmholtz Association; Research Centre Jülich
Stoian Simona
associated with: Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding
Bratu Luciana
associated with: Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding
Barbas Julio
associated with: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competiveness
Serrano Joaquin
associated with: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competiveness
David González Martínez
associated with: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competiveness
Sanz Montemayor Victoria
associated with: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competiveness
Denaro Renata
associated with: Italian National Research Council
Mazzola Salvatore
associated with: Italian National Research Council
Brugnoli Enrico
associated with: Italian National Research Council
Rivaton Adrien
associated with: New Caledonia Economic Development Agency
Chavance Pablo
associated with: New Caledonia Economic Development Agency
Djiram Catherine
associated with: New Caledonia Economic Development Agency
Boyen Catherine
associated with: The National Center for Scientific Research
Potin Philippe
associated with: The National Center for Scientific Research
Cormier Patrick
associated with: The National Center for Scientific Research
Le Baron Philippe
associated with: The National Center for Scientific Research
Kanobana Kirezi
associated with: Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Economie, Wetenschap en Innovatie; Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie
Veelaert Dirk
associated with: Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Economie, Wetenschap en Innovatie; Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie
Arents Inge
associated with: Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Economie, Wetenschap en Innovatie; Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie
Almesjö Lisa
associated with: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
Bergqvist Ampel Linda
associated with: Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
Marvik Ole Jørgen
associated with: Innovation Norway
Valseth Marid
associated with: Innovation Norway
Kucharzak Ramón
associated with: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Lampel Stefan
associated with: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Gunnarsson Oddur
associated with: Icelandic Food and Biotech R&D Institute
Carlberg Anders
associated with: Region Västra Götaland
Lindegarth Susanne
associated with: Region Västra Götaland
Turk Kim
associated with: Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
Bjornsson Sigurdur
associated with: The Icelandic Centre for Research
Erlendsson Lýður Skúli
associated with: The Icelandic Centre for Research

record metadata

date created: 2014-02-20
date modified: 2017-12-01