Project record of Analysis techniques for quantifying nano-and microplastic particles and their degradation in the marine environment


Analysis techniques for quantifying nano-and microplastic particles and their degradation in the marine environment
Description @en
Within ANDROMEDA, in situ MP detection, efficient sampling and cost-effective laboratory methods will be developed and optimized to analyze MP. Approaches will be based on hyperspectral imaging, chemical markers and fluorometric detection techniques. Advanced analysis techniques making use of µFTIR, Raman imaging and SEM-EDX (amongst others) will be applied to quantify and characterize MP and NP down to 1 µm, 0.2 µm or lower.
Description @
Binnen ANDROMEDA worden in situ detectie, efficiënte bemonstering en kosteneffectieve laboratoriummethoden ontwikkeld en geoptimaliseerd om microplastics te analyseren. Gebaseerd op hyperspectrale beeldvorming, chemische markers en fluorometrische detectietechnieken. Meer geavanceerde analysetechnieken o.m. µFTIR, Raman-beeldvorming en SEM-EDX zullen worden toegepast om micro- en nanoplastics te kwantificeren en te karakteriseren.
Start date
End date


PhD Developing and optimising cost- and time-effective methods for the detection and identification of microplastics in the marine environment

Institutes & people involved

Everaert Gert
associated with: Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee
role: Promotor
Meyers Nelle
associated with: Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee
role: Partner
Flanders Institute for Biotechnology
role: Partner
Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer
role: Partner
Université Aix-Marseille III
role: Partner
SINTEF Marine laboratories
role: Partner
Belgian Science Policy
role: Partner



Aquatic sciences, challenges and pollution not elsewhere classified
defined term set: Flemish Research Disciplines
term code: 179263
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 9505
Environmental monitoring
defined term set: Flemish Research Disciplines
term code: 179274
Marine pollution
defined term set: Flemish Research Disciplines
term code: 179132
PRINC_FUND - 4253 - BRAIN-be(Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks)
defined term set: FRIS Principal Funding Codes
term code: 177608

record metadata

date created: 2020-06-12
date modified: 2023-04-19