Project record of Development and demonstration of durable biobased composites for a marine environment


Development and demonstration of durable biobased composites for a marine environment
Name @nl
Ontwikkeling en demonstratie van duurzame biobased composieten voor een mariene omgeving
Description @en
SeaBioComp develops new, sea-friendly composite materials for the maritime industry: biobased and thermoplastic, with reduced CO2 emissions and reduced ecotoxic impact (microplastics). In time, these can replace the traditionally used fiber-reinforced composites based on oil. The project also establishes analytical protocols to evaluate their long-term robustness and reduced ecological impact on the marine environment.
Description @
SeaBioComp ontwikkelt nieuwe, zeevriendelijke composietmaterialen voor de maritieme industrie: biobased en thermoplastisch, met verminderde CO2-uitstoot en verminderde ecotoxische impact (microplastics). Op termijn kunnen deze de traditioneel gebruikte vezelversterkte composieten op basis van aardolie gaan vervangen. Het project stelt ook analytische protocollen op om hun robuustheid te evalueren op lange termijn, en hun verminderde ecologische impact op het mariene milieu.
Start date
End date


PhD Combined impacts of microplastics, from bio-based and petroleum-based polymers, and global warming on the population dynamics of a planktonic community


SeaBioComp final conference

Institutes & people involved

Everaert Gert
associated with: Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee
role: Promotor
Association for Research and Development of Industrial Methods and Processes
role: Partner
University of Plymouth
role: Partner
University of Portsmouth
role: Partner
Marine South East
role: Partner
Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer
role: Partner



CO_FUND - 3899 - Other EU initiatives out of framework
defined term set: FRIS Complementary Funding Codes
term code: 178012
defined term set: Flemish Research Disciplines
term code: 179185
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 9505
Marine pollution
defined term set: Flemish Research Disciplines
term code: 179132
Natural and biocomposites
defined term set: Flemish Research Disciplines
term code: 179525

record metadata

date created: 2020-06-12
date modified: 2023-04-18