Project record of The North atlantic Fish Revolution: An Environmental History of the North Atlantic 1400-1700


The North atlantic Fish Revolution: An Environmental History of the North Atlantic 1400-1700
Description @en
NorFish is a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant led by Prof Poul Holm in Trinity College Dublin, focuses on the premise that a 16th century shift in marine fish pricing and supply in conjunction with the Little Ice Age and lowering of sea temperatures not only rise to the North Atlantic Fish Revolution but also forms one of the first documented examples of the disrupting effects of globalisation and climate change. The project examines the role of the Fish Revolution for a range of inter-related aspects of North Atlantic history, with NorFish’s interdisciplinary team drawing on archaeology, history, cartography, geography, and ecology to develop interpretative frameworks that synthesise a broad spectrum of source data to assess the overall objective of the project. NorFish’s interdisciplinary team draws on archaeology, history, cartography, geography, and ecology to assess the objectives of the project. The NorFish Project is a natural “pre-cursor” to the History of Marine Animal Populations (HMAP), which was part of the original CoML and OBIS group of Sloane Foundation funded projects. NorFish, directly linked with the Oceans Past Initiative and OBIS, seeks to continue the work of providing academically researched historical data series and provide these as Open Access/Creative Commons licensed datasets to the Scientific, Academic and Public communities.
Start date
End date

Institutes & people involved

Nicholls John
associated with: The University of Dublin, Trinity College
role: Data manager
Holm Poul
associated with: The University of Dublin, Trinity College
role: Principal Investigator


defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 528
Fishery data
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 3234
geographic terms
A, North Atlantic

record metadata

date created: 2020-08-03
date modified: 2021-01-01