Project record of European River Ocean System: the interactions between the river Danube and the north western Black Sea - Pilot phase


European River Ocean System: the interactions between the river Danube and the north western Black Sea - Pilot phase
Description @en
EROS 2000: After five years spent in the Gulf of Lions and the Western Mediterranean, EROS 2000 moves East. Western and eastern european scientists decided to pool their efforts together to study the Danube Delta and the North Western Black Sea. This area represents the ultimate example of deterioration of the coastal and marine aquatic environment. It can be viewed as the best pilot site to understand the complex interactions between the human activities and the marine environment. The specific questions adressed by the project will be the followings :
  1. What would be the consequences of a reduction of the river input of nutrients for the eutrophication and the ecosystem structure of the north-Western Black sea ?
  2. What are the riverine and atmospheric sources, levels and fates of key organic/inorganic pollutants in the Black sea environment ?
  3. What are likely to be short- and long-term consequences of the regulation of river discharge for sediment transport/erosion/deposition and water stratification ?
  4. What is the significance of the Black sea source of important key greenhouse gases ?
Start date
End date

Institutes & people involved

Dehairs Frank
associated with: Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculteit Wetenschappen & Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep Chemie; Analytical, Environmental and Geochemistry
Goeyens Leo
associated with: Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculteit Wetenschappen & Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep Chemie; Analytical, Environmental and Geochemistry
Lancelot Christiane
associated with: Université Libre de Bruxelles; École Interfacultaire de Bioingénieurs; Laboratoire d'Écologie des Systèmes Aquatiques
Nihoul Jacques
associated with: Université de Liège; Département de Mécanique des Fluides Géophysiques; Unité d' Océanographie Physique


Coastal waters
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 1653
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 2874
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 2932
Nutrients (mineral)
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 5629
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 6383
Sediment transport
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 7391
geographic terms
MED, Black Sea
MED, Black Sea, Danube Delta

special collections

Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning

record metadata

date created: 2003-11-26
date modified: 2009-10-09