Document of bibliographic reference 110027
BibliographicReference record
- Type
- Bibliographic resource
- Type of document
- Book chapters
- Type of document
- Conference paper
- BibLvlCode
- AM
- Title
- A model comparison of flow and lateral sediment trapping in estuaries
- Abstract
- Two different models for the distribution of flow and sediment over the cross-section of a tidally dominated channel are compared. The first is a state-of-the-art numerical model that solves the three-dimensional shallow water equations with prognostic density field. The second is an idealized model which includes residual and semi-diurnal tidalmotions and uses a diagnostic residual density gradient as baroclinic forcing. For bothmodels, an off-line sediment module is used to compute the lateral mean sediment distribution. For fairly high values of vertical diffusivity (~ 0.01 m2 s-1), a good qualitative agreement is found for residual flow patterns. The agreement of the amplitude of the semi-diurnal velocity components is satisfactory as well, although the phase distributions show deviations. The lateral mean sediment distributions are rather similar, and stem from a balance that is predominantly governed by mean concentration and residual currents. The flow patterns only differ qualitatively for either very low or very high tidal velocities. The sediment distributions only deviate for low tidal flow regimes.
- WebOfScience code
- Bibliographic citation
- Schramkowski, G.P.; Huijts, K.M.H.; de Swart, H.E.; Schuttelaars, H.M. (2008). A model comparison of flow and lateral sediment trapping in estuaries, in: Dohmen-Janssen, C.M. et al. (Ed.) River, coastal and estuarine morphodynamics: RCEM 2007. Proceedings of the 5th IAHR symposium on river, coastal and estuarine morphodynamics, Enschede, The Netherlands, 17-21 september 2007. pp. 413-420
- Topic
- Brakish water
- Access rights
- open access
- Is accessible for free
- true
thesaurus terms
- term
- Channel flow (term code: 1460 - defined in term set: ASFA Thesaurus List)
- Distribution (term code: 2392 - defined in term set: ASFA Thesaurus List)
- Estuaries (term code: 2895 - defined in term set: ASFA Thesaurus List)
- Mathematical models (term code: 5070 - defined in term set: ASFA Thesaurus List)
- Sediments (term code: 7403 - defined in term set: ASFA Thesaurus List)
- Tidal inlets (term code: 8584 - defined in term set: ASFA Thesaurus List)