Document of bibliographic reference 117711

BibliographicReference record

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Type of document
Book chapters
Type of document
Conference paper
Études de la navigabilité
Studies of the navigability. - In the "divagant" region, sandy sills are formed, which obstruct the navigation ; dredging permits the establishment of a navigation channel. Nevertheless, this navigation channel bas been subject to different modifications since the beginning of the century. The last one has taken place in april 1986. Nowadays, one is trying to understand better the mechanism of sanding up, knowing that the transport of sand is due to the erosive force of the water during the swelling. During these last 20 years, not only the studies done on scale mode!, but also the fact-finding explorations and the training courses of personnel in situ allow for a more accurate prediction of the future evolutions and so increase the security of the navigation.
Abstract in other language
Studies van de bevaarbaarheid. - In de beddingveranderende zone vormen zich zandige drempels, die de scheepvaart bemoeilijken; baggerwerken laten toe een vaargeul tot stand te brengen. Nochtans heeft de vaargeul sinds het begin van de eeuw verschillende veranderingen ondergaan. De laatste dateert van april 1986. Momenteel probeert men het verzandingsmechanisme beter te begrijpen, vermits het zandtransport te wijten blijkt te zijn aan de erosieve kracht van het wassende water. De laatste 20 jaar hebben de studies op schaalmodel, samen met de studiezendingen en die van personeelsvorming in situ, toegelaten de toekomstige evolutie beter te voorzien en dus de veiligheid van de scheepvaart te verhogen.
Bibliographic citation
Sterling, A. (1988). Études de la navigabilité, in: L'accès maritime au Zaïre: symposium, Bruxelles, 5 décembre 1986 = Maritieme toegang tot Zaïre: symposium, Brussel, 5 december 1986. pp. 69-76 + maps
Brakish water



thesaurus terms

Navigation (term code: 5453 - defined in term set: ASFA Thesaurus List)
Navigation channels (term code: 5456 - defined in term set: ASFA Thesaurus List)
Sand transport (term code: 7163 - defined in term set: ASFA Thesaurus List)
Sedimentation (term code: 7401 - defined in term set: ASFA Thesaurus List)

geographic terms

geographic terms associated with this publication
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo R.

Document metadata

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