Document of bibliographic reference 130859

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Book chapters
Type of document
Conference paper
Travaux d'amélioration de l'Escaut maritime: rapport
The Scheldt, which is the gateway whereby ships have access to the port of Antwerp, is a tidal river flowing into the North Sea at Flushing. The tidal range, which on an average is 3.80 m, is as much as 4.70 m in the port of Antwerp. The natural depth over the bars between Hansweert and the port of Antwerp is insufficient for navigational needs. Important dredging operations have to be undertaken, in order to maintain the depth. Furthermore, as the dimensions of ocean going vessels are in constant increase, both as regards their beam and their draft, larger and larger quantities of sand have to be dredged. The bars requiring regular dredging are shown in figure I of plate I.
In view of the fact that the improvement obtained by dredging is insufficient, it has become necessary to consider the undertaking of river improvement works. These are being studied at the Hydraulics Laboratory at Borgerhout (Antwerp). This is a State controlled center which comes under the Administration of Waterways (Ponts et Chaussées).
The areas most in need of improvement are those of Bath and Walsoorden. They lie in Dutch territory; hence the work will have to be done by common agreement with the Netherlands.
The paper describes the results obtained from model studies.
Bibliographic citation
Valcke, E.; Vandervelden, H.; Sterling, A.; Roovers, P. (1965). Travaux d'amélioration de l'Escaut maritime: rapport, in: 21st International Navigation Congress, Stockholm, 1965. Section I. Inland navigation. Subject 5. Methods for regulating rivers. Results achieved by utilizing physical and mathematical models and remotely controlled craft. pp. 39-51
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thesaurus terms

Channel improvements (term code: 58167 - defined in term set: CSA Technology Research Database Master Thesaurus)
Dredging (term code: 2470 - defined in term set: ASFA Thesaurus List)
Model studies (term code: 83238 - defined in term set: CSA Technology Research Database Master Thesaurus)
River regulation (term code: 94932 - defined in term set: Transportation Research Thesaurus)

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