Document of bibliographic reference 215704
BibliographicReference record
- Type
- Bibliographic resource
- Type of document
- Journal article
- BibLvlCode
- AS
- Title
- The food web in Red Wharf Bay (North Wales) with particular reference to young plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)
- Abstract
- 1. About twenty-five species of fish occur in Red Wharf Bay; plaice, dabs and gobies predominate in the beam-trawl catches. 0-group plaice comprise about 70% of the catch in a push-net at low-water mark.2. The 0-group plaice first arrive in late April or May and recruitment continues into July or August. In the succeeding months, the mortality rate is about 40% per month. 0-group dabs arrive in June and their monthly mortality rate is about 44%.3. Growth rate of plaice and dabs is high in summer but low from November to April.4. The food of the earliest 0-group plaice differed from year to year and included both plankton and benthos.5. Pairs of fish species having similar feeding habits could be discerned but one of each pair had a wider depth distribution than the other. Plaice and dabs had similar diets but, when examined in detail, differences were apparent.6. Marking experiments indicated that, in summer and autumn, O-group plaice tended to keep to their own part of the bay and that, if transported offshore, they returned to the shallow-water areas.
- WebOfScience code
- Bibliographic citation
- Macer, C.T. (1967). The food web in Red Wharf Bay (North Wales) with particular reference to young plaice (Pleuronectes platessa). Helgol. Wiss. Meeresunters. 15(1-4): 560-573.
- Topic
- Marine
- Is peer reviewed
- true