Blanks and recoveries for the whole analytical procedure of several volatile compounds of selected elements (Me2Se, Me2Se2, Me2Hg, Et2Hg, Me4Sn, Et4Sn, Me4Pb, Et4Pb) were determined and are discussed. Method detection limits for 1 l water sample were estimated for Se, Hg, Sn and Pb volatile species to be as low as 10.0 (0.8), 1.0 (0.2), 0.4 (0.05) and 0.4 (0.08) fmol/l (pg/l), respectively.
The occurrence of volatile compounds of selenium, tin, mercury and lead was evidenced and investigated in three major European estuaries such as the Gironde (F), the Rhine (NL) and the Scheldt (B/NL). The presence of these volatile species in natural waters seems to be related to both exchanges between environmental compartments and anthropogenic inputs.