- Type
- Conference/Workshop
- Name
- EMODNet Biological Data Products Workshop
- Location
- InnovOcean site, Oostende
- Start date
- 2010-02-25
- End date
- 2010-02-26
- Description
- Biological Data Products Workshop (25-26 February 2010): a two-day Biological Data Products workshop was organised in Ostend, the 25-26 of February 2010. The aim of the workshop was to 1) discuss the marine biological (monitoring) data availability in Europe and gaps and 2) to define a set of derived data products (a.o. target species maps) relevant for private bodies, public authorities and researchers.
The workshop was attended by 56 participants including representatives from DG MARE, DG Research, OSPAR, ICES, HELCOM, Black Sea Commission, coordinators of the other lots, project partners and advisory board, representatives from the MODEG group, marine biology, ecology and data management experts and from Greece, France, UK, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Ireland, Russia, Ukraine, US, New Zealand.
This workshop resulted in a set of key-recommendations that will be implemented in the further development of the preparatory action for biological data. Based on the identification of relevant data products during this workshop, targeted data analysis workshops will be organised in the second and third year of the project.