Document of dataset 4153

Dataset record

title in English
MONEOS - Physico-chemistry in the Scheldt Estuary
title in nl
MONEOS - Fysico-chemie in het Schelde-Estuarium
Description in nl
Bij het opstellen van de voorliggende evaluatiemethodiek wordt de lijn van de geïntegreerde systeemmonitoring van het Schelde-estuarium doorgetrokken: de evaluatie zal gestoeld zijn op het ecosysteem functioneren. Voor fysico-chemie is dit de meest logische keuze: evaluatie van de fysico-chemie is immers geen doel op zich, maar staat ten dienste van de evaluatie van het globale functioneren van het ecosysteem. Ze mag zeker niet gelden als een surrogaat voor een evaluatie van het ecosysteem. De evaluatie moet bovendien toelaten te kunnen discrimineren tussen de verschillende beïnvloedende factoren.
Abstract in English
In the context of the Long Term Vision of the Scheldt estuary (LTV), the Flemish and Dutch governments have a working group on research and monitoring of the Scheldt estuary. The Working Group O & M is a permanent working group of the Flemish-Dutch Scheldt Commission (VNSC) which have an agreement ​​on a long-term monitoring and research program to support the cross-border cooperation in policy and management in the Scheldt estuary: MONEOS. Within MONEOS, existing monitoring campaigns from NL and B are refined and merged as new measurement campaigns. The data is divided in 6 themes. This theme contains all data about Physico-chemistry of the Scheldt Estuary.
Abstract in nl
In het kader van de Langetermijnvisie Schelde-estuarium (LTV) werd door de Vlaamse en Nederlandse overheid een werkgroep rond onderzoek en monitoring van het Schelde-estuarium opgezet. De werkgroep O&M is een permanente werkgroep van de Vlaams Nederlandse Scheldecommissie (VNSC) waarin afspraak is gemaakt over een langlopend monitoring- en onderzoeksprogramma ter ondersteuning van de grensoverschrijdende samenwerking bij beleid en beheer in het Schelde-estuarium: MONEOS. Binnen MONEOS werden zowel bestaande monitoringscampagnes uit NL en B verfijnd als nieuwe meetcampagnes opgezet. De data worden in 6 thema’s ontsloten. Dit thema bevat data over de fysico-chemie van het Schelde-estuarium.
Unrestricted for academic use

Geographical coverage

ANE, Netherlands, Westerschelde
ANE, Scheldt Estuary
Belgium, Zeeschelde


Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken
Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij
Onderzoeksgroep Ecosysteembeheer
Waterwegen en zeekanaal NV
Zee en Delta
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee

Dataset references

is part of
MONEOS monitoring
related (partially included in)
Current measurements in the Sea- and Western Scheldt
related (partially included in)
related (partially included in)
Flanders Hydraulics Research: Continuous monitoring of acidity (pH) in the Scheldt estuary
related (partially included in)
Flanders Hydraulics Research: Continuous monitoring of dissolved oxygen in the Scheldt estuary
related (partially included in)
Flanders Hydraulics Research: Continuous monitoring of hydrodynamic and physicochemical parameters in the Scheldt estuary
related (partially included in)
Flanders Hydraulics Research: Continuous monitoring of salinity and conductivity in the Scheldt estuary
related (partially included in)
Flanders Hydraulics Research: Continuous monitoring of suspended sediment concentrations in the Scheldt estuary
related (partially included in)
Flanders Hydraulics Research: Continuous monitoring of turbidity in the Scheldt estuary
related (partially included in)
Flanders Hydraulics Research: Continuous monitoring of water temperature in the Scheldt estuary
related (partially included in)
Monitoring network of the Hydraulics Research Centre
related (partially included in)
MWTL chemical monitoring network Westerschelde
related (partially included in)
MWTL chemical monitoring network Westerschelde: Heavy Metals
related (partially included in)
MWTL chemical monitoring network Westerschelde: Nutrients
related (partially included in)
MWTL chemical monitoring network Westerschelde: Organic micro contaminant
related (partially included in)
MWTL physical monitoring network Westerschelde: Water Temperatures
related (partially included in)
OMES monitoring data van de Zeeschelde sinds 1995
related (partially included in)
OMES: Monitoring fysical-chemical water quality in the Zeeschelde
related (partially included in)
OMES: Monitoring sedimentology in the flemish part of the Scheldt estuary
related (partially included in)
OMES: Monitoring the carbon cycle in the flemish part of the Scheldt estuary
related (partially included in)
Physical waterquality in the Beneden-Zeeschelde and the Antwerp harbour
related (partially included in)
VMM: Surface water monitoring network of the Flemish Environment Agency
related (partially included in)
VMM: Water bed monitoring network of the Flemish Environment Agency
related (partially included in)
VMM:The wastewater monitoring network of the Flemish Environment Agency
MONEOS - Diversity of Habitats in the Scheldt-Estuary
MONEOS - Diversity of species in the Scheldt Estuary
MONEOS - Ecological functioning in the Scheldt Estuary
MONEOS - Hydrodynamics in the Scheldt Estuary
MONEOS - Morphodynamics in the Scheldt Estuary


was generated by
MONEOS - Geïntegreerde monitoring van het Schelde-estuarium
- MONEOS-Projectgroep Monitoring en Databeheer

Special collections

part of special collection
Belgian marine datasets

Document metadata

date created
date modified