Document of dataset 6410

Dataset record

title in English
Genetic tools for Ecosystem health Assessment in the North Sea region
Description in English
Set-up of an open DNA sequence library, linking DNA to species, will guarantee continuity of traditional assessment series. Real time pilot studies, in close cooperation with managers, policymakers and involved stakeholders, will deliver proof of concept on the added value of genetic approaches in environmental health management. These pilots cover environmental impact assessments (EIAs) for human activities (renewable energy, aquaculture and aggregate dredging) and environmental monitoring for e.g. non-indigenous species (NIS) in the framework of EU directives (MSFD and Natura2000). The data generated within the different pilots will feed into biotic indicators to translate the outputs into simple information needed by national authorities to make sound management decisions. Sustainable use and management of the North Sea Region (NSR) natural resources remains a grand challenge. The NSR has a rich and diverse natural environment delivering many ecosystem goods and services to society, such as food provision, coastal protection and climate regulation. Stimulated by the EU Blue Growth Agenda, human use of the NS is increasing and diversifying. Both new and existing activities contribute to employment and economic welfare, but they also increase the pressure on the marine environment, thereby threatening ecosystem health (e.g. transport, renewable energy, exploitation of living and mineral resources, introduction of non-indigenous species). To conserve and improve NSR ecosystem health, proper management measures need to be taken, which depend on fast and accurate monitoring.
Abstract in English
Sustainable use and management of marine resources is key for good ecosystem health. Monitoring for ecosystem health assessments is currently based on morphological species identification, which is time-consuming, labor-intensive and skills reliant. DNA-based tools promise cheaper, faster and more accurate methods, yet, different approaches between countries are used which hamper standard routine application. The Interreg NSR project GEANS, therefore aims to: 1. Develop joint time- and cost-reducing genetic monitoring tools that feed into existing indicators to assess North Sea ecosystem health 2. Implement standardized genetic tools and SOPs in routine biological assessments 3. Develop a framework to apply and implement DNA-based tools in policy and transnational management of the North Sea Region.
Unrestricted after moratorium period

Temporal coverage

Start date
End date
Accrual periodicity

Geographical coverage

ANE, North Sea


Biology > Benthos


Instituut voor Landbouw-, Visserij- en Voedingsonderzoek
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee
Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
University of Aarhus
Wageningen University and Research Centre
German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research
Nord University
Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Publication references

related reference
Based on this dataset /id/publication/349162
Based on this dataset /id/publication/338990
Based on this dataset /id/publication/348977
Based on this dataset /id/publication/349160
Based on this dataset /id/publication/336692
Based on this dataset /id/publication/331624

Dataset references

has part
ARMS observations of hard-bottom communities by Flanders Marine Institute, SeAnalytics, Nord University and Aarhus University
GEANS NIS pilot - 2020 DNA-based benthic and planktonic species monitoring at the harbour of Ostend by VLIZ
GEANS NIS pilot - 2020 DNA-based benthic and planktonic species monitoring by SeAnalytics
GEANS NIS pilot - 2020 DNA-based benthic species monitoring in harbour of Rostock by Senckenberg
GEANS NIS pilot - 2020 DNA-based benthic species monitoring in ships' hulls by Senckenberg
GEANS NIS pilot - 2021 DNA-based monitoring of eDNA in harbour of Rostock by Senckenberg
GEANS pilot eDNA - 2021 Case study on use of long read metabarcoding in artificial reefs in the Dutch North Sea by WUR.
GEANS pilot eDNA - 2021 eDNA monitoring in offshore windmill farms in the BPNS by ILVO
GEANS pilot eDNA - 2021 eDNA monitoring of Non-Indigenous Species in the harbor of Ostend by VLIZ.
GEANS pilot eDNA - 2021 eDNA monitoring of Non-Indigenous Species in the harbor of Rostock by Senckenberg.
GEANS Reference Library
GEANS SBS pilot - 2019 DNA based soft bottom monitoring of macrobenthos in the framework of sand extraction at BPNS by ILVO
GEANS SBS pilot - 2020 DNA based soft bottom monitoring of macrobenthos in the framework of Flora Fauna Habitat Directive (FFHD) by Senckenberg
GEANS SBS pilot - 2020 DNA based soft bottom monitoring of macrobenthos in the framework of Long-term Monitoring (LtM) by Senckenberg
GEANS SBS pilot - 2020 DNA based soft bottom monitoring of macrobenthos in the framework of the ringtest at BPNS by Aarhus University
GEANS SBS pilot - 2020 DNA based soft bottom monitoring of macrobenthos in the framework of the ringtest at BPNS by Naturalis
GEANS SBS pilot - 2020 DNA based soft bottom monitoring of macrobenthos in the framework of the ringtest at BPNS by Nord University
GEANS SBS pilot - 2020 DNA based soft bottom monitoring of macrobenthos in the framework of the ringtest at BPNS by Senckenberg
GEANS SBS pilot - 2020 DNA based soft bottom monitoring of macrobenthos in the framework of the ringtest at BPNS by WUR
GEANS SBS pilot - 2020 DNA based soft bottom monitoring of sediment samples in the framework of complementing benthic soft bottom monitoring with DNA-based methods at North Sea by Aarhus University
GEANS SBS pilot - 2021 DNA based soft bottom monitoring of macrobenthos in the framework of the ringtest at BPNS by ILVO


was generated by
GEANS - Genetic Tools for Ecosystem Health Assessment in the North Sea Region

Document metadata

date created
date modified