Person record of Olivier De Clerck


Honorific prefix
De Clerck
Description @en
His research focuses on diversity and distributions of marine macroalgae, where he addresses questions ranging from purely descriptive taxonomic studies to more ecologically oriented studies forecasting the distribution of species in relation to environmental changes. With respect to the latter he was involved in the development of Bio-ORACLE, a set of GIS rasters providing marine environmental information for global-scale applications that can be used for Ecological Niche Modeling. Next to descriptive taxonomic work, he’s intrigued by the effect of recent technological developments (e.g DNA-sequencing technology) on our understanding of algal species boundaries, global diversity estimates, biodiversity patterns and current taxonomic practices. A more recent line of interest concerns our focus on the interplay of algal community structure, evolutionary relatedness of the composing species and functional trait diversity. Thereto, he initiated the establishment of a trait database for marine macroalgae (Emodnet framework). The focus here is on European seaweed diversity which is under severe pressure from both local as well as global stressors. A first version of this trait database lists life history, ecological and morphological characteristics of all European seaweed genera (~ 800 genera). Gradually, however, this framework is refined to species-level.


Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Onderzoeksgroep Fycologie
Oceans & Lakes : Master of Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management
VLIZ Belgian Marine Species Consortium
AlgaeTraits eds.
Thematic editor
WoRMS Editorial Board
Thematic editor


Belgian Register of Marine & Coastal Species
during period
Start date: 2009
End date: 2010
Diversiteit en evolutie van bacteriële symbionten in de Siphonocladales (Chlorophyta) en hun effecten op groei en morfogenese van de gastheer
during period
Start date: 2007
End date: 2010
Endosymbiotische bacteriën in coenocytische groenwieren. Verkenning van een partnerschap.
during period
Start date: 2008
End date: 2011
Evolutionaire dynamiek van macro-ecologische niches bij zeewieren
during period
Start date: 2008
Evolutionary biogeography and systematics of the Halymeniaceae (Rhodophyta) in the western Indian Ocean
during period
Start date: 2003
End date: 2005
Niet-inheemse soorten in het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee en omliggende estuaria
during period
Start date: 2006
Revisie van het Dictyota-Dilophus complex (Phaeophyta) in de Indische Oceaan. I
during period
Start date: 1994
End date: 1996
Revisie van het Dictyota-Dilophus complex (Phaeophyta) in de Indische Oceaan. II
during period
Start date: 1996
End date: 1998
Spatiotemporele variatie in bentische macrowiergemeenschappen van de Arabische Zee
during period
Start date: 2005
End date: 2008
Systematics and evolutionary biogeography of the genus Halimeda (Chlorophyta), with emphasis on the Indian Ocean.
during period
Start date: 2001
End date: 2003
The Algal Microbiome: Friends and Foes
during period
Start date: 2015
End date: 2018


thesaurus terms


record metadata

date created: 2003-11-26
date modified: 2011-03-15