Project record of A register of marine species in Europe to facilitate marine biodiversity research and management


A register of marine species in Europe to facilitate marine biodiversity research and management
Description @en
The foundation of biodiversity research and management is correctly identifying and naming species. This web site provides a register of marine species in Europe, linked with a bibliography of identification guides, register of taxonomic experts, locations of collections of reference specimens, and an Information Pack on European marine biodiversity (based on this project’s results). The species register is novel in its geographic extent and range of taxa covered. It is drafted by experts from published literature and existing (but more limited) species lists, circulated to a wider range of experts for comments, revised and finally verified. A first draft of the checklist has been published as a book (Costello, M.J., C. Emblow & R. White, 2001. European register of Marine Species. Patrimoines naturels, 50: 463p.). It is anticipated that the Register will become a standard reference (and technological tool) for marine biodiversity training, research and management in Europe.

The initial EU project started in April 1998 and ended in March 2000. The registre will now be revised, in the framework of the MARBEF EU Network of Excellence. People interested, especially those with expertise in marine taxa, are invited to contact the co-ordinator or other participants to get on the project circulation list.
Start date
End date

Institutes & people involved

European Commission; Fourth Framework Programme; MAST III: Supporting initiatives
role: Sponsor
Costello Mark
associated with: Ecological Consultancy Services Ltd
Emblow Chris
associated with: Ecological Consultancy Services Ltd
Bisby Frank
associated with: University of Reading; School of Plant Sciences; Centre for Plant Diversity & Systematics
Bouchet Philippe
associated with: Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle; Département Milieux et Peuplements Aquatiques; Biology of marine organisms and ecosystems
Guiry Michael
associated with: National University of Ireland Galway; Ryan Institute
Ramos Maria
associated with: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales; Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva
Karakassis Ioannis
associated with: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
White Richard
associated with: University of Southampton; School of Biological Sciences
van der Land Jacob
associated with: Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity Naturalis; National Museum of Natural History - Naturalis
Warwick Richard
associated with: Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Minelli Alessandro
associated with: University of Padua; Dipartiment di Biologia
Bellan-Santini Denise
associated with: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Institut National de Science de l'Univers; Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille; Station Marine d'Endoume
Brattegard Torleiv
associated with: University of Bergen; Department of Fisheries and Marine Biology
Legakis Anastasios
associated with: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Department of Biology; Zoological Museum
Sneli Jon Arne
associated with: Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology; Department of Biology
Heip Carlo
associated with: Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee; NIOZ Yerseke
Craeymeersch Johan
associated with: Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee; NIOZ Yerseke
Radach Günther
associated with: University of Hamburg; Institute of Oceanography
Haslund Ole-Henrik
associated with: UNESCO; Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
Lasserre Pierre
associated with: UNESCO; Venice Office
Connor David
associated with: Joint Nature Conservation Committee

special collections

Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
NIOO-CEME collection

record metadata

date created: 2004-01-15
date modified: 2007-07-06