Project record of PhD Drivers & mechanisms influencing early colonization by marine ecosystem engineers of artificial & natural habitats.


PhD Drivers & mechanisms influencing early colonization by marine ecosystem engineers of artificial & natural habitats.
Description @en

Settlement is a critical step in the life history of marine invertebrates with a planktonic larval stage, particularly for sessile organisms that have limited to no relocating ability. Settling larvae, therefore, screen their environment for cues that will indicate the suitability of a site for survival My PhD focuses on understanding how these cues interact to steer settlement of bivalves specifically the pacific oyster (Magallana gigas).  This includes species interactions, substrate properties and/or environmental conditions, focusing specifically on effect of the interactions from multiple settlement cues. 

Start date
End date

Institutes & people involved

Hablützel Pascal
associated with: Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee
role: Co-promotor
Mees Jan
associated with: Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee
role: Promotor
Kamermans Pauline
associated with: Wageningen University and Research Centre; University of Wageningen
role: Co-promotor


Artificial reefs
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 570
Marine ecology
defined term set: Flemish Research Disciplines
term code: 179188
PRINC_FUND - 2511 - OFI - Doctoral research scient. personnel within the assignment of the institution
defined term set: FRIS Principal Funding Codes
term code: 177475

record metadata

date created: 2023-07-06
date modified: 2023-07-06