Dataset record
- Type
- Dataset
- title in English
- The hyperbenthos of subtidal sandbanks on the Belgian Continental Shelf: habitats and indicator species
- Abstract in English
- The structural biodiversity of the hyperbenthos of subtidal sandbanks on the BCS is studied. Furthermore, ecological indicator species are determined which can be usefull parameters for policy makers.
- Abstract in nl
- De structurele biodiversiteit van het hyperbenthos van de subtidale zandbanken van de BCP wordt bestudeerd. Daarnaast worden ecologische indicatorsoorten bepaald die bruikbare parameters kunnen zijn voor het beleid.
- License
- bibliographicCitation
- Willems, K.; Cattrijsse, A.; Marine Biology Research Group - Ugent: Belgium; (2004): The hyperbenthos of subtidal sandbanks on the Belgian Continental Shelf: habitats and indicator species. Marine data Archive.
- Version
- 1
Temporal coverage
- Temporal
- Start date
- 1997-02-01
- End date
- 1998-10-01
Geographical coverage
- Spatial
- ANE, Belgium, Belgian Continental Shelf (BCS)
- ANE, Belgium, Flemish Banks, Middelkerke Bank
- ANE, Belgium, Hinder Banks, Westhinder
- ANE, Belgium, Zeeland Banks, Goote Bank
Thesaurus terms
- Keyword
- Benthic communities
- Hyperbenthos
- Sand banks
- theme
- Biology
- Biology > Benthos
- was generated by
- - Structural and functional biodiversity of North Sea ecosystems: species and their habitats as indicator for the sustainable management of the BCS