Institute record of Onderzoeksgroep Mariene Biologie


Onderzoeksgroep Mariene Biologie
Marine Biology Research Group@en
Parent institute
Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie
Campus De Sterre, S8, Krijgslaan 281, 9000 Gent, Belgium
Contact numbers
+32-(0)9-264 85 28
Description @en
The Marine Biology research group (MARBIOL) performs ecological and systematic research on marine ecosystems. Since its foundation in the 1970s, there has been a geographical expansion of the study areas (North Sea to tropical and polar regions, including deep-sea ecosystems) and a shift from morphological, taxonomic and ecological studies based on field observations towards process-oriented and functional studies with an experimental, bio(geo)chemical and molecular approach. The policy-oriented questions regarding sustainable fisheries, marine spatial planning and nature conservation constitute important elements in the valorisation of the fundamental research conducted by the group. The research focuses on three research pillars:
  • Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: Marine biodiversity loss and invasive species are a concern for ecosystem functioning, jeopardising the provision of ecosystem goods and services and therefore affecting human well-being. By performing laboratory and field experiments and observational studies, a better understanding of the marine ecosystem is aimed for, giving the baseline and best practice to underpin sound ecosystem management. In this context, the group studies food web structure and flow of energy, species interactions, dispersal ecology, population dynamics, acclimation and adaptation, taxonomy, patterns of diversity and community structure, diversity-ecosystem functioning relationships, resistance and resilience of populations, communities and ecosystem functioning, carbon and nutrient cycling, and carbon sequestration in marine sediments;
  • Anthropogenic impact and climate change: MARBIOL focuses on advancing the field of climate change ecology and anthropogenic impact assessment in general, as marine communities are under increasing pressure. The group has a specific interest in how ecosystems, and specifically benthic systems, communities and species, cope with those changes at the level of individuals and populations and how these form ecological patterns across spatial scales. The research includes the study of the effects of microplastics, the impact of deep-sea mining, the effect of offshore wind farms and anthropogenic underwater noise, the impact of fisheries and aquaculture, impacts of specific aspects of global change such as ocean acidification and warming, sea ice decline and glacier retreat on functioning of marine ecosystems, species interactions and energy flow in marine food webs;
  • Marine resource and environmental management: The group aims to improve insights into the complexities of marine resources (and related activities) and environmental management in order to provide guidance for sustainable value creation. Understanding the interplay between all stakeholders (policy, science, industry and society) and underlying impacts of marine resource exploitation is key to a sustainable use of the sea. In this context, research focus is on deep-sea mining,marine renewable energy, environmental monitoring, fisheries, aquaculture, sand extraction and the role of biodiversity for coastal restoration.
Description @nl
De afdeling Mariene Biologie (MARBIOL) verricht ecologisch en systematisch onderzoek naar mariene ecosystemen. Sinds de oprichting in de jaren 1970 vond er een geografische uitbreiding van de studiegebieden plaats (Noordzee tot tropische en polaire gebieden, inclusief diepzee-ecosystemen), alsook een verschuiving van morfologische, taxonomische en ecologische studies op basis van veldwaarnemingen naar procesgerichte en functionele studies met een experimentele, bio(geo)chemische en moleculaire benadering. De beleidsgerichte vragen inzake duurzame visserij, mariene ruimtelijke ordening en natuurbehoud vormen belangrijke elementen in de valorisatie van het fundamenteel onderzoek van de groep. Het onderzoek spitst zich toe op drie onderzoekspijlers:
  • Biodiversiteit en het functioneren van ecosystemen: Het verlies aan mariene biodiversiteit en de verspreiding invasieve soorten vormen een probleem voor het functioneren van ecosystemen, waardoor de levering van ecosysteemgoederen en -diensten in gevaar komt en dus het menselijk welzijn kunnen impacteren. Door laboratorium- en veldexperimenten en observationele studies uit te voeren, wordt gestreefd naar een beter begrip van het mariene ecosysteem, waardoor de basis en de beste praktijken worden verkregen om een gezond ecosysteembeheer te onderbouwen. In dit verband bestudeert de groep de structuur van het voedselweb en de energiestroom, interacties tussen soorten, verspreidingsecologie, populatiedynamiek, acclimatisering en aanpassing, taxonomie, patronen van diversiteit en gemeenschapsstructuur, relaties binnen diversiteit-ecosysteemwerking, weerstand en veerkracht van populaties, gemeenschappen en ecosysteemwerking, koolstof- en nutriëntencyclus, en koolstofcaptatie in mariene sedimenten;
  • Antropogene impact en klimaatverandering: MARBIOL wil vooruitgang boeken op het vlak van de klimaatveranderingsecologie en de beoordeling van antropogene effecten in het algemeen, aangezien mariene gemeenschappen steeds meer onder druk komen te staan. De groep heeft specifieke belangstelling voor de manier waarop ecosystemen, en specifiek bentische systemen, gemeenschappen en soorten, omgaan met die veranderingen op het niveau van individuen en populaties en hoe deze ecologische patronen vormen over ruimtelijke schalen. Het onderzoek omvat de studie van de effecten van microplastics, de impact van diepzeemijnbouw, het effect van offshore windmolenparken en antropogeen onderwatergeluid, de impact van visserij en aquacultuur, de effecten van specifieke aspecten van wereldwijde veranderingen zoals verzuring en opwarming van de oceaan, afname van zeeijs en terugtrekking van gletsjers op het functioneren van mariene ecosystemen, interacties tussen soorten en de energiestroom in mariene voedselwebben;
  • Beheer van mariene hulpbronnen en milieu: De groep streeft naar een beter inzicht in de complexiteit van mariene hulpbronnen (en aanverwante activiteiten) en milieubeheer om sturing te geven aan duurzame waardecreatie. Inzicht in de wisselwerking tussen alle belanghebbenden (beleid, wetenschap, industrie en samenleving) en de onderliggende effecten van de exploitatie van mariene hulpbronnen is essentieel voor een duurzaam gebruik van de zee. In deze context is het onderzoek gericht op diepzeemijnbouw, hernieuwbare mariene energie, milieumonitoring, visserij, aquacultuur, zandwinning en de rol van biodiversiteit voor kustherstel.


Child organizations
Universiteit Gent; Doctoral Programme on Marine Ecosystem Health and Conservation
Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Afdeling Mariene Biologie; Erasmus Mundus MSC in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation


LifeWatch/WoRMS editor workshop: Nemys
14th International Meiofauna Conference
Dag van de Wetenschap 2017 - Marien Onderzoek: Veranderende Zee
EMBRC-BE event
EMODNet Biological Data Products Workshop
Non-indigenous species in the North-East Atlantic
PERSUADE project: eindgebruikersmeeting
PERSUADE project: eindgebruikersmeeting
PlaneetZee@Work - editie 2014-2015
PlaneetZee@Work - editie 2015-2016
PlaneetZee@Work - editie 2015-2016
PlaneetZee@Work - editie 2015-2016
PlaneetZee@Work - editie 2016-2017
Symposium "Human footprint on the seafloor. Keys from the Past, Doors to the Future"
The North Sea, field lab for marine protection
Training course: The Scheldt, an ecological sketch
Westbanks Integrative Workshop


Marleen De Troch
role: Associate Professor
Tom Moens
role: Associate Professor
Ann Vanreusel
role: Professor / Head of Research Group
Bart Beuselinck
role: Research assistant
Tania Nara Bezerra
role: Research Assistant
Jens Boyen
role: Phd student
Ulrike Braeckman
role: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Marius Buydens
Tania Campinas Bezerra
Marie Cours
Luana Da Costa Monteiro
role: PhD Student
Isolde De Grem
role: Administrative Assistant / Project Administrator
Vicky Derweduwen
role: Administrative Assistant
Mario Gaitan
Kevin Geldhof
Jolien Goossens
Rodgee Mae Guden
Iene Herman
Christelle Jamar
Christelle Jammar
role: Research Assistant
Nene Lefaible
role: Scientific staff
Lara Macheriotou
role: PhD student
Lillian Nduku Daudi Mutisia
Yen Nguyen
Gabriella Panto
Ellen Pape
role: Assistant Professor
Francesca Pasotti
role: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Riccardo Pieraccini
Annelien Rigaux
role: Research Assistant / Administrative Assistant
Robyn Sahota
Tim tkint
role: Scientific project manager / Web Developer
Anna-Maria Vafeiadou
role: PhD student
Carl Van Colen
role: Postdoctoral Academic assistant
Annick Van Kenhove
role: Research Assistant / Administrative Assistant
Yens Vandenboer
Jürgen Verstraeten
role: Research Assistant
Bruno Vlaeminck
Ellen Vlaminck
Helena Voet
role: PhD Student
Mirta Zupan

Past members

Magda Vincx
role: Emeritus Full professor - Biologist
Heidi Acampora
role: Student
Farhana Ahmed
Mohammed Alsebai
role: PhD student
Renata Alves Mamede da Silva
role: PhD student
Luz Amadei Martinez
Miguel Andreu-Cazenave
Maickel Armenteros
role: Biologist - PhD
Marianna Audfroid Calderón
Tom Augustijns
role: Student
Leila Bagaço
Laura Ballesteros-Redondo
Peter Benham
Leonardo Bertini
Carmen Blanco Fernández
Pieter Blondeel
Wanda Bodnar
Frederike Boehm
Kenny Bogaert
role: Postdoctoral Scientist
Wendy Bonne
An Boone
role: Student
Sarah Broos
Katherine Brownlie
role: Administrative Assistant
Lisa Brunelli
Bartelijntje Buys
Martijn Callens
Stijn Cattaert
role: Student
Emily Chen
Clio Cnudde
role: PhD student
Delphine Coates
role: PhD student
Liesbet Colson
role: PhD student
Osman Crespo-Neto
Sofie D’Hondt
Annabelle Dairain
Maria de Assunção Franco
Annelies De Backer
role: PhD student
Yves De Blick
Aline De Boeck
Charlotte De Busschere
Annelies De Groote
role: PhD student
Cristiana De Leonardis
Veronique De Maersschalck
role: PhD student
Nele De Meester
role: Postdoctoral Academic assistant
Bart De Smet
role: Postdoctoral Scientist
Guy De Smet
role: Research Assistant
Elisabeth Debusschere
role: PhD student
Steven Degraer
Jochen Depestele
Tim Deprez
role: Scientific project leader / Postdoctoral Scientist
Sofie Derous
role: PhD student
Sofie Derycke
Silke Deschoemaeker
Yana Deschutter
role: PhD student
Charlotte Desmet
An-Sofie D'Hondt
role: PhD student
Eric Díaz-Delgado
Anna Diem
Emily Dolan
Giovanni Dos Santos
role: Post-doc
Laura Durán Suja
Great Egho
Ali Elagöz
Anneke Espeel
role: EMBC Secretariat
Xiaoyu Fang
role: PhD student
Andrea Fariñas-Bermejo
Arida Fauziyah
Valentina Filimonova
Nancy Fockedey
Gustavo Fonseca
Rita Melo Franco-Santos
Laura Gajdzik
Charles Gatune Warima
role: Postdoc
Hendrik Gheerardyn
role: Biologist - PhD
Ruth Gingold
Marina Giunio
Devonne Goad
Nanou Goedefroo
Annelies Goffin
role: PhD student
Inês Gomes
Lucinda Green
Zara Guifarro
Katja Guilini
role: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Chen Guotong
Shirley Gurdebeke
role: Student
Freija Hauquier
role: Postdoctoral scientist
Julia Heiler
Carlo Heip
role: Professor - Biologist
Elke Heirman
Els Heynssens
Eveline Hoste
role: PhD stduent
Qian Huang
role: PhD student
Jeroen Ingels
role: Postdoc
Yves Israël
role: Technical support
Julia Jung
Danae Kapasakali
Thomas Kerkhove
role: PhD Student
Arne Kinds
role: PhD student
Anna Kordas
Betty Laglbauer
Lia Laporta
Christophe Legrand
Frederik Leliaert
role: Postdoctoral Research Fellow / Academic Assistant
Joke Lenoir
Lidia Lins Pereira
role: Post Doc
Veronica Lo
role: PhD Student
Ivan Loaiza Alamo
role: PhD student
Soetkin Maene
role: PhD student
Tatiana Maria
role: Post Doc
Martina Maric
Joey Genevieve Martinez
role: PhD student
Thibaud Mascart
role: Scientific project manager / Postdoctoral Scientist
Hakimu Davis Matola
Lorenz Meire
role: PhD student
Christoph Mensens
role: Postdoctoral Scientist
Bea Merckx
role: Post Doc
Sebastiaan Mestdagh
role: PhD student
Greet Meulepas
Lisa Mevenkamp
role: PhD student
Lieke Moereels
Siska Mortier
Janie Morton
role: Student
Cosmas Munga
role: PhD Student
Anouk Neuhaus
Febe Noppe
Daniel Oliveira
role: PhD student
Anouk Ollevier
role: PhD student
Ee Zin Ong
role: PhD student
Maria Papadatou
Evelyn Paredes Coral
role: PhD Student
Nathalie Peene
Mariana Pereira
David Permuy
Shanice Piango
Lisa Picatto
Aäron Plovie
role: Scientific project manager
Bart Poppe
role: Student
Rianta Pratiwi
role: Student
Yves Prössler
Gregory Niels Puncher
Ngo Quang Xuan
role: Postdoc
Marijn Rabaut
role: Biologist - PhD
Maarten Raes
role: Biologist - PhD
Jana Rajnohova
Sofia Ramalho
Karen Rappé
role: PhD student
Julieta Relva
Thomas Remerie
role: Biologist - PhD
Jan Reubens
role: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Julie Réveillaud
role: Post Doc
Maria Ribeiro
Frances Rivera
Matahun Prihandini Binar Rizkianti
Veerle Rogge
role: Administrative Assistant
Rasha Sabeel
Narjes Sahraean
role: PhD student
Thomas Sanborn
Chelmarie Joy Sanchez Clavano
role: PhD student
Laurien Sannen
Jaleh Sarafraz
Marlien Schaeck
Daniëlle Schram
role: Research Assistant
Jan Seys
Raheleh Sheibani-Tezerji
Frederik Snoeck
Karen Soenen
Alejandro Sotillo
role: PhD student
Jeroen Speybroeck
role: PhD student
Timo Staeudle
Lien Steenhuyse
Maaike Steyaert
role: Postdoctoral researcher
Willem Stock
Mehrshad Taheri
role: Postdoctoral Scientist
Marko Terzin
Kelly Thys
Elise Toussaint
role: PhD Student
Jana Van Butsel
Jelle Van Campenhout
role: PhD student
Van Coillie
Liesbeth Van de Moortel
role: Biologist
Lisanne van den Bogaart
Laure Van den Bulcke
Karel Van den Meersche
role: PhD student
Inge van der Knaap
Saskia Van Gaever
role: Biologist - PhD
Dirk Van Gansbeke
role: Research Assistant / Head of laboratory
Karl Van Ginderdeuren
role: PhD student
Gert Van Hoey
role: Post-doc
Joke Van Tomme
role: Postdoc
Thomas Vanagt
role: PhD student
Jan Vanaverbeke
role: Biologist - PhD
Shanna Vanblaere
role: Project manager
Sarah Vanden Eede
role: PhD student
Sofie Vandendriessche
role: PhD student
Sharon Vandewalle
Brecht Vanhove
Lies Vansteenbrugge
Pieter Vantieghem
role: Research assistant
Koen Verbist
Inge Vergaerde
Gabriela Vergara
Pieterjan Verhelst
role: PhD student
Annick Verheylezoon
role: Administration
Elie Verleyen
Tim Verstraeten
role: Scientific project manager
Annick Verween
role: Postdoc employee
Yasmine Verzelen
role: Research Assistant
Niels Viaene
role: Research assistant
Mick Vieren
Siel Wellens
role: PhD student
Eva Werbrouck
role: PhD Student
Tomas Willems
role: PhD student
Wouter Willems
role: PhD student
Jan Wittoeck
Joanne Wong
Xiuqin Wu
role: PhD Student
Liam Wyns
Maryam Yazdani
role: PhD Student


defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181510
Alien species
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181480
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181481
Artificial substrata
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 577
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 835
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 877
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181483
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 9471
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181484
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181485
Blue economy
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181488
Carbon capture
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181489
Climate change
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181490
Deep sea
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 2145
Ecosystem functioning
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181495
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 2832
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 2895
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181496
Food webs
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 3409
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 4882
Marine ecology
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 4997
Marine environment
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 4999
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 5103
Renewable energy
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181519
Sand banks
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 7155
Sandy beaches
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 7167
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 8377
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181522
Underwater noise & sound
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181524
taxonomic terms
Bacillariophyta [Diatoms]
Copepoda [copepods]
Crustacea [crustaceans]
Nematoda [Nematodes]
Polychaeta [Bristle worms]
geographic terms
ANE, Belgium, IJzer R., Nieuwpoort
ANE, North Sea
Belgium, Zeeschelde
PS, Antarctica

Special collections

available through EurOBIS
Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
Marine expertise
Marine expertise: Speciality: Biological oceanography
Marine expertise: Type: Flemish university
Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium

record metadata

date created: 2003-11-26
date modified: 2014-04-18