Document of dataset 3814

Dataset record

title in English
Distribution data of Arctic species of genus Microporella and Pseudoflustra gathered from museum collections
Description in English
Revision of species from the two genera of the Bryozoa (Pseudoflustra, Microporella) leading to establishing a new species (Microporella) as well as improving our taxonomical knowledge of these ecologically important species.
Abstract in English
This dataset comprises 114 records of Bryozoans from museum collections. Distributional data were gathered from a number of museum collection including the Zoological Institute in St. Petersburg; The Natural History Museum in London, UK; The Natural History Museum in Paris; The Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa and The Manchester Museum, U.K. Additionally samples collected by the Institute of Oceanology were used.

Dataset references

Arctic Ocean Biodiversity Information System

Document metadata

date created
date modified