Dataset record
- Type
- Dataset
- title in English
- Arctic Ocean Biodiversity Information System
- Acronym
- Rights
- Unrestricted
- Version
- 1
Dataset references
- record
- Abundance and diversity of the Amphipoda (Crustacea) from the Greenlandic shelf
- record
- An Analysis of the Zooplankton Community Structure of the Western Beaufort Sea. WEBSEC 1971
- record
- Arctic Marine Fish Museum Specimens
- record
- Arctic non-copepod Zooplankton T3 Ice Island 1966-1967
- record
- Barents Sea Zooplankton – March and May 1998 and July 1999. Day/night stratified zooplankton sampling onboard the Norwegian R/V Jan Mayen. Program ALV
- record
- Barents Sea Zooplankton – March and May 1998 and July 1999. Zooplankton sampling on board the Norwegian R/V Jan Mayen, program ALV
- record
- Benthic Microalgae Chukchi Sea, 1972
- record
- Benthos Chirnov Basin 1986 and 2002
- record
- BenthosBarentsSeaPolarstern1991
- record
- BenthosChukchiFN762_1976_Falk5
- record
- Canada_BasinMegabenthos2002
- record
- CASES: The pre-winter assemblages of southeastern Beaufort Sea
- record
- CASES2003_2004
- record
- Chucki_Seaooplankton1953/4
- record
- Chukchi/Bering Sea Zooplankton (ISHTAR), 1985-1989
- record
- Composition and distribution of the biomass of zooplankton in the central Arctic Basin 1975, 1976, 1977
- record
- Copepoda collected from Fletchers Ice Island (T-3) in the Canadian Basin of the Arctic Ocean
- record
- Copepoda collected from the Canada Basin Arctic Ocean; Fletchers Ice Island (T-3) 1970-1972 and AIDJEX, 1975
- record
- Diet, Tidal and Vertical Variations of Phytoplankton and Its Environment in Frobisher Bay, Canada, 1980 and 1981
- record
- Distribution and diversity of sipunculan fauna in high Arctic fjords (west Svalbard)
- record
- Distribution data of Arctic species of genus Microporella and Pseudoflustra gathered from museum collections
- record
- Greenland macrobenthos 2006
- record
- Greenland Macrobenthos Young Sound, 1996
- record
- Ice Algae Barents Sea
- record
- Ice Amphipods Canada Basin
- record
- Ice Amphipods Svalbard, 2000
- record
- Ice Diatoms Arctic Basin 1977, 1980
- record
- Ice Zooplankton Beaufort Sea
- record
- IPOE_Benthos_Steffens
- record
- IPOE_Schnack_Polychaeta
- record
- Kittlitzs_murrelet
- record
- Laptev Sea and Nansen Basin Zooplankton, 1993
- record
- Macrobenthos and Meiobenthos Tuktoyaktuk Harbor and Mason Bay 1985-1988 NOGAP
- record
- Macrobenthos Chukchi Sea, 1986
- record
- Macrozoobenthos composition, abundance and biomass in the Arctic Ocean along a transect between Svalbard and the Makarov Basin 1991
- record
- Megabenthos-Epibenthos Greenland
- record
- Oceanexploration2002_vers4
- record
- On the composition of the benthic fauna of the western Fram Strait
- record
- Phytoplankton from the White Sea, Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea and Arctic Basin 1993-2003
- record
- Sea ice meiofauna abundance in coastal fast ice off Barrow, Alaska, with a focus on Scolelepis squamata (Polychaeta), 2005-2006
- record
- Sea Ice Nematodes
- record
- SeaIceMeiofaunaCanadaBasin2002
- record
- Seasonal dynamics of sub-ice fauna below pack ice in the Arctic (Fram Strait)
- record
- Shebaplankton_Falk3
- record
- record
- Species Composition and Abundance of Zooplankton in the Nearshore Beaufort Sea in Winter-Spring 1978-1980
- record
- Structure and function of contemporary food webs on Arctic shelves: A panarctic comparison. The pelagic system of the Kara Sea- communities and components of carbon flow
- record
- Structures and Nutrition Requirements of Macrozoobenthic Communities in the area of the Lomonossov Ridge, 1995-1998
- record
- Taxonomy and zoogeography boundaries of pelagic ostracods in Svalbard waters, 2001-2006
- record
- The Ecology of the Inshore Marine Zooplankton of the Chukchi Sea near Point Barrow, Alaska
- record
- The pre-winter 2007 vertical distribution of zooplankton in the Cape Bathurst and North Water polynyas, and Lancaster Sound, Canadian Arctic
- record
- The Sea Ice Fauna of Frobisher Bay, Arctic Canada 1981 and 1982
- record
- Under-ice Amphipods in the Greenland Sea and Fram Strait (Arctic): Environmental Controls and Seasonal Patterns Below the Pack Ice
- record
- Variability of benthic Foraminifera north and south of the Denmark Strait
- record
- WhiteSeaPlankton
- record
- ZINRAS_Arctic_Benthos
- record
- Zoobenthos data from the Southern Beaufort Sea, 1971-1975
- record
- Zooplankton Abundancies White Sea, 1972
- record
- Zooplankton and Ichthyoplankton Data Collected from the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas during the R/V Mirai Cruise, September 2002
- record
- Zooplankton Bering Strait Tiglax 1991
- record
- Zooplankton Eastern Arctic Ocean Polarstern, 1995-1998
- record
- ZooplanktonBeaufortSeaNOGAP1
- record
- ZooplanktonBeaufortSeaNOGAP2
- record
- ZooplanktonNOGAP32b1986
- record
- Ocean Biodiversity Information System