Institute record of European Marine Board


European Marine Board
Wanderlaarkaai 7, 8400 Oostende, Belgium
Contact numbers
+32-(0)59-34 01 63
Description @en
Recognising the need for improved co-ordination between European marine science organisations (both research institutes and funding organisations) and for the development of a strategy for marine science in Europe, the European Science Foundation (ESF), in association with the European Commission, established the ESF Marine Board in 1995 to address these issues. To date, the principal achievements of the Marine Board - ESF have been to: - facilitate the development of scientific strategies (organising and sponsoring workshops and conferences); - improve access to infrastructure and the shared use of equipment; - advise on strategic and scientific policy issues at the European level; - publish position papers on key topics. In developing its objectives, the Marine Board focuses its activities around four main themes. Forum: bringing together member organisations to share information, to identify common problems and, as appropriate, find solutions, to develop common positions, and to co-operate on scientific issues. Strategy: identifying and prioritising emergent disciplinary and interdisciplinary marine scientific issues of strategic European importance, initiating analysis and studies (where relevant, in close association with the European Commission) in order to contribute towards a European strategy for marine research. Voice: expressing a collective vision of the future for European marine science in relation to developments in Europe and world-wide, and improving the public understanding of science in these fields. Synergy: fostering European added value to component national programmes, facilitating access and shared use of national marine research facilities, and promoting synergy with international programmes and organisations. Whilst the emphasis is on science, the Marine Board fully recognises the increasing interdependence between science and technology and, as a result, promotes the appropriate technological developments for the achievement of its scientific objectives. With its current membership of 25 marine research organisations from 17 European countries, the Marine Board has the appropriate representation to provide a unique forum for marine science in Europe and world-wide.


1st Marine Board Annual Forum - Marine Data Challenges: from Observation to Information
5th European Marine Board Forum 'Ocean Climates Nexus'
6th EMB Forum- Implementing the UN 2030 Agenda: What role for marine science?
CommOCEAN2016 - 2nd International Marine Science Communication Conference
CommOCEAN2016 – OTGA Training course: Ocean Science Communication Tools
CSA MarineBiotech eindconferentie
Ecopath 40 year conference
EMODNet Biological Data Products Workshop
ENCORA conference on European Action Plans: Key issues for advancing Sustainable Management of our Coastal Zones
Eurocean 2004 Conference: European Conference on Marine Science and Ocean Technology
EurOCEAN 2007
European Marine Board ExCom Meeting
First Conference on Ocean Literacy in Europe
Littoral 2012
Marine Board Communication Panel
Marine Board Forum: "Marine Data Challenges: from Observation to Information"
Masterclass Ocean Decade
Navigating the Future: foresight workshop
Ocean Literacy workshop H2020
Officiële inhuldiging InnovOcean Campus
Opening ESF Marine Board en Plenaire lentevergadering
Opening secretariaat Marine Board
Spring Plenary European Marine Board Meeting
The North Sea, field lab for marine protection


Brittany Alexander
role: Science Officer
Maria Fernanda Bayo Ruiz
role: Junior Science Officer
Sheila Heymans
role: Executive Director
Paula Kellett
role: Science Officer
Gilles Lericolais
role: Chair
Angel Muñiz-Piniella
role: Science Officer
Ana Rodriguez Perez
role: Science Officer
Maria Teodosio
role: Executive/HR and Finance Officer

Past members

Doris Abele
role: Science Officer, seconded from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Rachid Adghoughy
Jan-Bart Calewaert
role: Science Officer
Aurélien Carbonnière
role: Science officer
Nan-Chin Chu
role: Science Officer
Niamh Connolly
role: Executive scientific secretary
Joke Coopman
role: Executive and Finance Officer
Karen Donaldson
role: Scientific Administrator
Dina Eparkhina
role: Administration and Coordination Officer
Maud Evrard
role: Science officer
Veronica French
role: Science Officer
Kate Larkin
role: Science Officer
Niall McDonough
role: Executive Scientific Secretary
Jan Mees
role: Chair
Jana Van Elslander
role: Executive and Finance Officer
Noémie Wouters
role: Science Officer

Special collections

Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium


record metadata

date created: 2003-11-26
date modified: 2012-10-03