Institute record of Renard Centre of Marine Geology


Renard Centre of Marine Geology
Renard Centre of Marine Geology@en
Parent institute
Universiteit Gent; Vakgroep Geologie
Krijgslaan 281 (S8), 9000 Gent, Belgium
Contact numbers
+32-(0)9-264 45 94
Description @en
The Renard Centre of Marine Geology (RCMG), founded in 1986, performs research in the field of marine and lacustrine geology. The group acquired international recognition by studying clay tectonics of the North Sea (1991) and by the discovery of cold-water coral mounds ('Belgica mounds') in the Porcupine Seabight (Ireland) in 1997, which were drilled into during the IODP Expedition 307 in 2005. RCMG carries out research in numerous seas (Black Sea, Atlantic margin, Antarctic margin, Mediterranean Sea, etc.), participates in several international research projects and collaborates with renowned foreign marine research groups such as Ifremer, NOC Southampton, Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (Marum) Bremen and Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ). The current marine research topics of RCMG are:
  • geological processes of passive continental margins (palaeoceanography with an emphasis on sedimentation or erosive processes, slope stability studies, etc.);
  • methane hydrates (occurrences and stabilisation conditions), cold seeps and mud volcanos (processes of seepage, methane fluxes and budgets);
  • cold-water coral mounds: the study of environmental forcing on deep-water coral habitats and mounds, with respect to deep-water circulation;
  • mapping of marine habitats: integrated method of marine mapping - multibeam, side-scan sonar imaging and acoustic characterisation of the seabed. The development of habitat models based on geophysical and hydrographical data;
  • applied marine research: sediment and morphodynamics, sustainable management of natural resources, marine geohazards (submarine landslides) and palaeoseismology (palaeotsunamis) and marine geoarchaeology.
Description @nl
Het in 1986 opgerichte Renard Centre of Marine Geology (RCMG) verricht onderzoek op het gebied van mariene en lacustriene geologie. De groep kreeg internationale erkenning door de studie van de kleitektoniek van de Noordzee (1991) en door de ontdekking van koudwaterkoraalheuvels ('Belgica mounds') in de Porcupine Seabight (Ierland) in 1997, die in 2005 werden aangeboord tijdens de IODP Expeditie 307. RCMG verricht onderzoek in talrijke zeeën (Zwarte Zee, Atlantische rand, Antarctische rand, Middellandse Zee, etc.), neemt deel aan diverse internationale onderzoeksprojecten en werkt samen met gerenommeerde buitenlandse mariene onderzoeksgroepen zoals Ifremer, NOC Southampton, Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (Marum) Bremen en het Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee (NIOZ). De huidige mariene onderzoeksthema's van RCMG zijn:
  • geologische processen ter hoogte van passieve continentale randen (paleoceanografie met nadruk op sedimentatie of erosieve processen, studies naar hellingstabiliteit, etc.);
  • methaanhydraten (voorkomen en stabilisatievoorwaarden), cold seeps en moddervulkanen (processen van kwel, methaanfluxen en -budgetten);
  • koudwaterkoraalheuvels: studie van de milieuforcering van koudwaterkoraalhabitats en -heuvels, met betrekking tot de diepwatercirculatie;
  • kartering van mariene habitats: geïntegreerde methode voor mariene kartering - multibeam, side-scan sonarbeeldvorming en akoestische karakterisering van de zeebodem. Ontwikkeling van habitatmodellen op basis van geofysische en hydrografische gegevens;
  • toegepast marien onderzoek: sediment- en morfodynamica, duurzaam beheer van natuurlijke hulpbronnen, mariene geohazards (onderzeese aardverschuivingen) en paleoseismologie (paleotsunami's) en mariene geoarcheologie.


Causes, Processes and Effects of Subsurface Sediment Mobilisation on Reservoir to Regional Scale
North Sea Palaeolandscapes Conference 2019
Studiedag archeologie en onderwaterlandschap (SeArch)
Symposium "Human footprint on the seafloor. Keys from the Past, Doors to the Future"
UGent aan ZEE
Zeebad voor leerkrachten: Ecosysteemdiensten van de oceaan
Zeebodemkartering/Modellering en Duurzame Ontwikkeling Finale Workshop MAREBASSE - Stakeholder Workshop MESH


Marc De Batist
role: Geologist, Professor
David Van Rooij
role: Geologist, Lecturer
Stijn Albers
Harisma Andikagumi
role: Postdoctoral researcher
Sébastien Bertrand
role: Geologist, Post-doctoral fellow FWO
Vasileios Chademenos
Koen De Rycker
role: Seismic engineer, Technical Personnel
Kamill Lisson
Inka Meyer
role: Postdoc
Rikza Nur Faqih Nahar
Chenguang Pan
Matthias Troch
Maarten Van Daele
role: Geologist, Ph.D. student FWO
Morgan Vervoort
Kathleen Wils
Yuwei Zhang

Past members

Jean-Pierre Henriet
role: Geologist/Geophysicist, Emeritus professor
Ana Abarzua
Benjamin Amann
Ulas Avsar
role: Geologist, Ph.D. Student
Matthias Baeye
role: Geologist, Ph.D. student IWT
Arne Baeyens
role: ROV engineer, Technical Personnel
Astrid Bartels
role: MSc Student
Joke Belza
Evelien Boes
Dries Boone
role: ROV engineer, Technical Personnel
Robbert Casier
Emmanuel Chapron
François Charlet
Hui Chen
role: Geologist, Ph.D. Student
Chloë Claerhout
Tim Collart
Myriam Cuylaerts
Maikel De Clercq
role: Geologist
Annelies De Hauwere
Lies De Mol
role: Geologist, Ph.D. student IWT
Naomi De Roeck
Stanislas Delivet
role: Geologist, Ph.D. Student
Davy Depreiter
role: Geologist, Ph.D. Student
Bart Deronde
Isabelle Du Four
role: Bio-engineer, Scientific Personnel
Dimitrios Evangelinos
Marc Faure Didelle
role: Departmental Project Administrator
Anneleen Foubert
role: FWO Phd-student
Marga García
David Garcia Moreno
role: Geologist, Ph.D. Student
Frederick Govaert
Jens Greinert
role: Geologist, Associated collaborator
Katrien Heirman
role: Quaternary Geologist, Ph.D. student FWO
Edna Hütten
role: Administrator, Associated collaborator
Rindert Janssens
Iason Jongepier
Carmen Juan Valenzuela
Philipp Kempf
role: Geologist, Ph.D. Student
Eleonora Lanna
Dawei Liu
Shan Liu
Nils Lowie
Athanas Macheyeki
role: Geologist, Ph.D. student BTC
Kainan Mao
Ricardo Marte
Mieke Mathys
role: Geologist, PhD Student
Thomas Mestdagh
Tine Missiaen
role: Physicist - Quaternary Scientist, Scientific Personnel
Raphaële Moeremans
Jasper Moernaut
role: Geologist, Post-doctoral fellow FWO
Giacomo Montereale Gavazzi
Lieven Naudts
role: Geologist, Assistant
Nhut Nguyen
Crelia Padrón
Sonia Papili
role: Geologist, Ph.D. Student
Loïc Piret
Hans Pirlet
role: Geologist, Ph.D. student FWO
Jeffrey Poort
role: FWO Post-doctoral fellow
Tom Pouls
Nore Praet
Michel Ranschaert
Andres Rüggeberg
role: Geologist, Scientific Personnel
Kristien Schelfaut
role: Scientific researcher
Els Sichien
role: Geologist, Ph.D. student IWT
Peter Staelens
role: Geologist, Ph.D. Student
Michael Strupler
role: Geographer, Ph.D. Student
Joris Synaeve
Niels Tanghe
Jürgen Titschack
role: PhD student
Sophie Van De Putte
Bram Van Eetvelt
Vera Van Lancker
role: Geologist, Scientific staff
Pieter Van Rensbergen
role: FWO Post-doctoral fellow
Evi Van Tornhout
Elke Vandekerkhove
Willem Vandoorne
role: Geologist, Ph.D. student FWO
Thomas Vandorpe
role: Geologist, Assistant
Elke Vangampelaere
Stef Vansteenberge
Mario Enrique Veloso Alarcon
role: Physicist, Ph.D. student EMECW
Jeroen Vercruysse
role: Engineer, Technical Personnel
Els Verfaillie
role: Geographer, Ph.D. student IWT
Flor Vermassen
Mark Verschuren
Wim Versteeg
role: Geophysicist, Scientific Personnel
Agostina Vertino
Kristien Veys
Matías Viel
Nele Vlamynck
Bart Vleminckx
An Wei
Marlies Wermersche
Noura Zaazi
Oscar Zurita Hurtado
role: Geophysicist, Technical Personnel


defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 117
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 807
Continental margins
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 1830
Deep sea reefs
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 2500
Gas hydrates
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 3553
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181499
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 3661
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181500
Marine geology
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 5005
Seafloor mapping
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 7306
Sediment dynamics
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 7368
Sediment mechanics/dynamics
defined term set: MOG Topics
term code: 181521
Sediment transport
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 7391
Seismic exploration
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 7427
Seismic reflection
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 7436
geographic terms
ANE, Belgium, Belgian Continental Shelf (BCS)
ANE, Belgium, East Coast, Paardenmarkt
ANE, Cadiz Gulf
ANE, Celtic Sea
ANE, Porcupine Abyssal Plain

Special collections

Marine expertise
Marine expertise: Speciality: Earth sciences
Marine expertise: Type: Flemish university
Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium

record metadata

date created: 2003-11-26
date modified: 2016-02-03