Project record of ASEM Aquaculture Platform


ASEM Aquaculture Platform
Description @en
The Platform intends to work out an action-oriented agenda for co-operation and to develop a multi-stakeholder platform for dialogue, networking and continued coordination concerning sustainable aquaculture between EU and Asia. Through its different stakeholders the platform aims to reconcile ecological and socio-economic demands and introduce or consolidate concepts of sustainability in aquaculture development in both regions. It will create a forum for experts and policy-makers, and by disseminating knowledge up to policy levels as well as down to farmers. Through its different stakeholders the platform aims to reconcile ecological and socio-economic demands and introduce or consolidate concepts of sustainability in aquaculture development in both regions. Throughout the various activities attention will be paid to the following societal concerns - Fair trade, food safety, nutritional security and quality standards - Environmental sustainability - Social equitability expected results:
  • a smoothly operating network;
  • a durable, long-term dialogue between the different stakeholders resulting in durable commitments (Codes of conduct, …); workshops that extend a message among and beyond platform members (public opinion, political agenda’s, …);
  • a comprehensive database, freely accessible via a own homepage with information relevant to sustainable aquaculture in EU and ASEM;
  • increased transfer of knowledge between different regions & stakeholders;
  • closer linkage and increased efficiency of European & Asian aquaculture research;
  • increased efficiency in fund raising and project proposal success.
Description @nl
ASEM (Asian European Meeting) is een intergouvenementeel overleg tussen de EU en 10 Aziatische landen. Aquacultuur werd geïdentificeerde als één van de prioritaire thema's voor wetenschappelijke en technologische samenwerking. Het Laboratorium voor Aquacultuur werd aangezocht om een aquacultuur platform te coordineren. Geplande activiteiten zijn het organiseren van 6 workshop rond belangrijke thema's voor duurzame aquacultuur ontwikkeling en het opzetten van een portaalsite voor aquacultuur tussen beide regio's.
Start date
End date


Diseases and Health Management
Domestication and Breeding
Education and Training
Environment and Ecosystem Preservation
Food safety, Trade and Regulatory aspects
Food Security

Institutes & people involved

Sorgeloos Patrick
associated with: Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep Dierwetenschappen en Aquatische Ecologie; Laboratorium voor Aquacultuur en Artemia Reference Center


defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 473
Socioeconomic aspects
defined term set: ASFA Thesaurus List
term code: 9610
Sustainable development
defined term set: CSA Technology Research Database Master Thesaurus
term code: 66783
Sustainable development
defined term set: Transportation Research Thesaurus
term code: 94590
geographic terms

record metadata

date created: 2007-01-23
date modified: 2009-10-26